Consumer Price Indices (2000=100)
  Country   总指数        
  General Index     #食         
      Of Which: Food  
2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006
     China 105.0 106.9 108.5 113.0 116.2 118.9
 孟加拉国① Bangladesh 118.4 126.7 135.3 118.3 127.8 137.5
     度② India 116.6 121.5 131.9 111.5 115.0 124.7
 印度尼西亚  Indonesia 141.3 156.0   128.3 140.3  
     Iran 170.0 192.9   164.8 186.3  
 以 色 列 Israel 107.1 108.5   108.0 109.9  
     Japan 98.1 97.8 98.1 99.3 98.4 98.9
 哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan 130.5 140.3   137.1 148.2  
     Korea, Rep. 97.3 100.0 102.2 97.0 100.0 100.5
 马来西亚 Malaysia 105.9 109.1 113.0 105.0 108.8 112.5
     古(乌兰巴托) Mongolia (Ulan Bator only) 122.1 137.6   118.8 139.7  
     Myanmar 271.6 297.1   277.5 303.2  
 巴基斯坦 Pakistan 118.7 129.5 139.7 120.2 132.1 143.3
 菲 律 宾 Philippines 120.6 129.8 137.9 116.3 123.8 130.6
 新 加 坡 Singapore 102.8 103.2 104.2 103.2 104.6 106.2
 斯里兰卡(科伦坡) Sri Lanka (Colombo only) 143.0 159.7 181.5 145.5 163.0 184.6
     国 (曼谷) Thailand (Bangkok only) 107.0 111.8   109.4 114.8  
 土 耳 其 Turkey 310.1 380.5   316.1 112.1  
     Vietnam 115.0     119.8    
     Egypt 127.5 133.7 143.9 100.0 105.0 115.7
     South Africa 123.8 128.0 134.0 134.9 137.9 147.8
 加 拿 大 Canada 109.7 112.2 114.4 111.3 114.1 116.8
 墨 西 哥 Mexico 122.3 127.2 131.8 122.9 129.4 134.1
     国④ United States 109.7 113.4 117.1 111.0 113.6 116.3
 阿根廷(布宜诺斯艾利斯) Argentina (Buenos Aires only) 147.5 161.7 179.4 165.1 183.3 205.5
     西 Brazil 141.7 151.4 157.8 146.5 151.0 151.0
 委内瑞拉(加拉加斯) Venezuela (Caracas only ) 219.9 255.0   274.6 332.4  
 白俄罗斯 Belorussia 348.3 384.3   320.1 358.2  
 保加利亚 Bulgaria 123.4 129.6 139.0 112.5 117.0 123.4
     Czech Republic 109.7 111.7 114.6 109.0 110.3 110.0
     France 108.0 109.9 111.8 110.9 111.0 112.7
     Germany 106.2 108.3 110.1 104.8 105.3 107.3
 意 大 利 Italy 110.5 112.3 114.7 113.7 113.6 115.6
     Netherlands 111.2 113.1 114.4 107.8 106.5 108.3
     Poland 112.2 114.6 115.7 108.6 110.6 111.2
 罗马尼亚 Romania 212.5 231.7 246.9 201.5 213.8 222.0
 俄罗斯联邦 Russian Federation 177.3 199.7   166.9 189.7  
 西 班 牙⑦ Spain 109.9 113.6 117.6 113.2 116.7 121.5
 乌 克 兰 Ukraine 129.4 146.9 160.2 135.1 157.5 166.5
     United Kingdom 109.6 112.7 116.3 106.0 107.3 109.6
 澳大利亚 Australia 113.1 116.1 120.2 117.1 120.0 129.2
 新 西 兰 New Zealand 109.7 113.0 116.8 110.6 112.2 115.2
a) Government officials. b)Industrial workers. c) The base year is 2003. d) All urban consumers. e) Excluding tobacco.
f) Excluding alcoholic beverages and tobacco. g) The base year is 2001.