各设区市单位GDP能耗 (2011年)
Energy Consumption by GDP by City (2011)
City 单位GDP能耗 单位工业增加值能耗 单位GDP电耗
Energy Consumption by GDP Energy Consumption Electricity Consumption
  by Add-value of Industry by GDP
指标值(吨标准煤/万元) 上升或下降 上升或下降 上升或下降
Index (ton of SCE/10000 yuan) Change(+%) Change(+%) Change(+%)
    Total 1.300 -3.69 -6.68 -0.36
石家庄市 Shijiazhuang 1.243 -4.19 -8.33 -3.79
承 德 市 Chengde 1.266 -3.90 -5.30 0.45
张家口市 Zhangjiakou 1.537 -4.13 -2.30 1.17
秦皇岛市 Qinhuangdao 0.971 -3.66 -4.94 4.30
唐 山 市 Tangshan 1.915 -4.15 -6.24 -3.10
廊 坊 市 Langfang 1.241 -3.67 -8.66 5.06
保 定 市 Baoding 1.086 -3.50 -7.41 1.05
沧 州 市 Cangzhou 1.273 -3.66 -4.66 2.65
衡 水 市 Hengshui 1.274 -3.44 -3.14 3.58
邢 台 市 Xingtai 1.593 -4.18 -8.81 -2.75
邯 郸 市 Handan 1.631 -4.21 -8.62 -3.24
注:1. 计算单位GDP能耗上升或降低率时,两年单位GDP能耗数据均保留4位小数。 
    2. 单位工业增加值能耗的统计范围是年主营业务收入2000万元及以上的工业法人企业。
    3. GDP按照2010年价格计算,工业增加值按照可比价计算。
        a) When calculating the change rate of energy consumption by GDP, both the numerator and denominator are accurate to four decimal places.
        b) The data of energy consumption by industrial value-added are based on survey of industrial legal-person enterprises, whose major-business
             annual incomes are no less than 20 million yuan.
        c) GDP and industrial value-added are in constant RMB Yuan, and the base year is 2010.