Number of Full-time Teachers by Level and Type of School
  普通高等学校 普通中学   职业中学 普通小学
  (人) (万人)     (人) (万人)
    Regular Regular Senior Junior Vocational Primary
  Institutions Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Schools
Year of Higher Schools Schools Schools Schools (10000
  Education (10000     (person) persons)
  (person) persons)        
1990 13585 15.59 2.55 13.04 11312 26.99
1995 14808 17.95 2.59 15.37 16621 27.01
1996 15514 19.43 2.88 16.56 19854 27.73
1997 16656 21.06 3.25 17.81 22303 28.98
1998 16622 22.57 3.65 18.91 24544 30.29
1999 17263 23.98 4.05 19.93 25002 31.54
2000 19414 25.37 4.37 21.00 23782 32.95
2001 23707 26.92 4.82 22.10 21824 33.28
2002 28091 27.73 5.35 22.37 21110 33.22
2003 34542 28.59 6.13 22.46 19990 32.92
2004 39235 29.01 6.75 22.25 19782 32.48
2005 46538 29.00 7.34 21.66 19223 32.01
2006 47428 28.71 7.82 20.89 20788 31.53
2007 52809 28.26 8.12 20.14 21973 31.60
2008 55125 27.43 8.07 19.36 22064 31.67
2009 58394 26.79 8.18 18.62 22846 32.12
2010 60769 26.07 8.30 17.77 23750 31.90
2011 62715 25.59 8.34 17.25 25458 31.65