限额以上住宿业企业主要财务指标 (2011年)
Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels (2011)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
     Item 资产总计 负债合计 所 有 者         主营业务 销售费用 管理费用 营业利润 利润总额
    权益合计 业务收入 业务成本 税金及附加        
Total Total Total Revenue from Cost of Taxes and Other Sales Management Business Total
Assets Liabilities Owners Principal Principal Charges on Expenses Expenses Profits Profits
    Equities Business Business Principal Business        
全省总计 Total 2367465.7 1699780.2 667685.5 798740.5 338563.5 44562.9 240366.7 210095.6 -68121.0 -68607.8
  按国民经济行业分   by Sector  
    旅游饭店      Tourist Hotels 1841761.6 1342646.6 499115.0 606203.1 242155.6 34040.8 198317.9 164123.0 -61543.6 -59629.8
    一般旅馆      General Hotels 408482.8 245065.0 163417.8 157307.1 82518.2 8572.2 36169.5 31094.7 -3549.9 -5975.3
    其他住宿服务      Other Accommodation Services 117221.3 112068.6 5152.7 35230.3 13889.7 1949.9 5879.3 14877.9 -3027.5 -3002.7
  按登记注册类型分   by Types of Registration  
    内资企业      Domestic Funded Enterprises 2235368.1 1531889.3 703478.8 768820.7 329030.3 42668.1 233856.9 193328.2 -62750.3 -63170.6
      国有企业         State-owned Enterprises 736924.1 500194.0 236730.1 257249.9 121692.4 13916.3 80183.1 64004.1 -31541.5 -29402.2
      集体企业         Collective-owned Enterprises 43333.2 19388.5 23944.7 28449.2 16008.4 1596.2 7067.2 4904.4 -1281.6 -1601.0
      股份合作企业         Cooperative Enterprises 7351.5 5560.9 1790.6 4848.3 1960.9 288.4 1118.9 1146.4 290.2 278.0
      联营企业         Joint Ownership Enterprises 508.3 776.1 -267.8 650.2 396.6 36.2 18.9 247.2 -48.7 -77.8
        国有联营企业           State Joint Ownership Enterprises 508.3 776.1 -267.8 650.2 396.6 36.2 18.9 247.2 -48.7 -77.8
      有限责任公司         Limited Liability Corporations 755147.9 475019.8 280128.1 235348.2 86112.9 13748.0 76605.5 73091.1 -23336.8 -23700.3
        国有独资公司           State Sole Funded Corporations  
        其他有限责任公司           Other Limited Liability Corporations 755147.9 475019.8 280128.1 235348.2 86112.9 13748.0 76605.5 73091.1 -23336.8 -23700.3
      股份有限公司         Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 167111.2 128253.4 38857.8 45904.8 16777.9 2302.8 12894.7 9181.2 2351.0 3224.4
      私营企业         Private Enterprises 475866.2 359538.4 116327.8 171136.6 73781.6 9432.0 49728.4 34566.3 -6187.2 -8772.4
        私营独资企业           Private-funded Enterprises 88732.8 64004.7 24728.1 41346.4 19971.4 2219.0 9336.6 6975.3 908.5 -1134.8
        私营合伙企业           Private Partnership Enterprises 3924.6 1882.5 2042.1 1731.5 981.1 75.3 38.5 349.2 281.6 281.6
        私营有限责任公司           Private Limited Liability Corporations 350450.0 276297.9 74152.1 107850.9 43349.0 6198.2 35312.5 24173.5 -8557.6 -8588.7
        私营股份有限公司           Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 32758.8 17353.3 15405.5 20207.8 9480.1 939.5 5040.8 3068.3 1180.3 669.5
      其他企业         Other Enterprises 49125.7 43158.2 5967.5 25233.5 12299.6 1348.2 6240.2 6187.5 -2995.7 -3119.3
    港、澳、台商投资企业      Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong,  Macao and Taiwan 61446.8 94885.7 -33438.9 17154.7 6334.8 1162.2 4377.6 7110.4 -2016.0 -2073.9
      与港澳台商合资经营企业        Joint-venture Enterprises 40203.0 81588.1 -41385.1 9514.0 3773.5 522.4 1893.9 4419.8 -1739.5 -1755.4
      与港澳台商合作经营企业        Cooperative Enterprises 3624.0 3628.7 -4.7 1528.5 458.6 83.6 522.0 401.2 61.1 68.0
      港澳台商独资企业        Enterprises with Sole Fund 17619.8 9668.9 7950.9 6112.2 2102.7 556.2 1961.7 2289.4 -337.6 -386.5
    外商投资企业      Foreign Funded Enterprises 70650.8 73005.2 -2354.4 12765.1 3198.4 732.6 2132.2 9657.0 -3354.7 -3363.3
      中外合资经营企业        Joint-venture Enterprises 68357.7 68965.6 -607.9 11280.3 3079.4 637.6 1407.3 9402.3 -3347.7 -3356.3
      外资企业        Enterprises with Sole Fund 2293.1 4039.6 -1746.5 1484.8 119.0 95.0 724.9 254.7 -7.0 -7.0