按登记类型分建筑业企业主要经济指标 (2011年)
Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises by Registration Status (2011)
内资企业   港澳台商 外商投资 房屋和土木   建筑安装业 建筑装饰业 其他建筑业
  #国有经济 #集体经济 投资企业     工程建筑业 房屋工程建筑 土木工程建筑
Total Domestic State- Collective- Funded from Foreign Floor Space Building Civil Installation Building Others
Enterprises Funded owned owned Hongkong, Funded Civil Construction Engineering   Decoration  
        Macao and Taiwan   Engineering          
企业单位数(个) Number of Construction Enterprises (unit) 2290 2284 158 101 5 1 1606 1196 410 291 297 96
从业人员(人) Number of Employed Persons (person) 1204966 1204149 119515 42809 652 165 1102179 898372 203807 73395 20277 9115
自有施工机械设备年末 Total Number of Machinery and   
  总台数(万台)   Equipment Owned (10000 set) 55.15 55.14 6.66 1.73 0.01 51.01 43.13 7.88 2.88 0.91 0.35
自有施工机械设备 Net Value of Machinery and   
  年末净值(亿元)   Equipment Owned (100 million yuan) 187.86 187.85 53.67 3.41 0.01 174.89 90.38 84.51 8.98 1.68 2.31
自有机械设备年末 Total Power of Machinery and   
  总功率(万千瓦)   Equipment Owned (10000 kw) 1198.86 1198.73 164.06 29.01 0.13 1119.3 832.66 286.64 39.21 24.89 15.46
建筑业总产值(亿元) Gross Output Value of Construction (100 million yuan) 3972.66 3968.91 830.96 97.58 3.54 0.21 3611.60 2690.16 921.45 275.19 54.03 31.83
  建筑工程   Construction Engineering 3473.66 3470.47 705.96 81.33 2.97 0.21 3280.75 2540.55 740.20 148.73 26.77 17.40
  安装工程   Construction and Installation 354.91 354.80 104.86 11.08 0.11 237.19 123.67 113.52 108.25 5.96 3.51
  其他产值   Others 144.09 143.63 20.14 5.17 0.46 93.66 25.93 67.73 18.21 21.31 10.92
应付职工薪酬(亿元) Wages Payable (100 million yuan) 356.22 356.01 51.94 11.44 0.20 0.01 325.62 261.77 63.86 23.35 4.98 2.27
应付福利费(亿元) Welfare Expenses Payable (100 million yuan)  
主营业务税金及附加(亿元) Taxes and Other Charges on Principal Business 123.05 122.95 22.00 2.74 0.01 111.85 84.10 27.75 8.45 1.57 1.18
                      (100 million yuan)  
管理费用中的税金(亿元) Taxes in Management Expenses (100 million yuan) 5.13 5.13 0.78 0.18 4.20 2.86 1.34 0.67 0.12 0.15
营业利润(亿元) Profits of Business (100 million yuan) 123.91 123.64 -1.35 3.01 0.26 0.01 110.87 86.29 24.58 9.47 2.67 0.90
房屋建筑施工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings under 30832.74 30832.74 3070.51 1012.82 29966.42 29323.75 642.67 854.98 8.49 2.85
     Construction (10000 sq.m)  
房屋建筑竣工面积(万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Completed (10000 sq.m) 10641.80 10641.80 876.34 531.37 10306.27 10059.21 247.06 333.45 1.58 0.50
资产合计(亿元) Total Assets (100 million yuan) 2644.91 2642.78 579.83 48.56 1.95 0.18 2322.43 1426.68 895.76 244.55 47.66 30.26
流动资产合计(亿元) Total Circulating Funds  (100 million yuan) 2043.77 2041.90 452.15 33.75 1.69 0.17 1794.58 1106.19 688.39 188.86 38.43 21.89
固定资产原价(亿元) Original Value of Fixed Assets  (100 million yuan) 520.11 519.71 110.61 12.31 0.40 463.60 260.20 203.40 40.28 7.05 9.18
流动负债合计(亿元) Total Current Liabilities (100 million yuan) 1620.78 1619.58 408.79 24.46 1.18 0.03 1426.31 848.32 577.99 162.22 17.68 14.58
非流动负债合计(亿元) Total Non Working Liabilities (100 million yuan) 97.21 97.21 34.36 0.16 89.69 49.28 40.41 5.94 0.50 1.08
所有者权益(亿元) Creditors' Equity (100 million yuan) 873.75 872.83 130.64 22.73 0.77 759.77 498.11 261.65 75.19 24.68 14.12
  #实收资本(亿元)   Capitals Hold (100 million yuan) 547.94 547.39 96.98 13.55 0.39 469.30 293.12 176.18 49.84 17.75 11.05
利润总额(亿元) Total Profits (100 million yuan) 126.89 126.61 -1.02 2.95 0.26 0.01 112.60 86.74 25.87 10.68 2.64 0.96
利税总额(亿元) Total Tax (100 million yuan) 255.07 254.69 21.76 5.87 0.27 0.01 228.65 173.69 54.96 19.80 4.33 2.29
劳动生产率(元/人) Overall Labor Productivity (yuan/person) 260831 260713.99 634825 172879 541560 200000 273888 245898 410211 369222 214909 30386
  (按总产值计算)   (In Terms of Gross Output Value)  
技术装备率(元/人) Value of Machines per Laborer (yuan/person) 15590 15600.23 44906 7966 1534 15868 10060 41466 12235 8285 25343
动力装备率(千瓦/人) Power of Machines per Laborer (yuan/person) 9.95 9.95 13.73 6.78 1.99 10.16 9.27 14.06 5.34 12.27 16.96
房屋建筑面积竣工率(%) Rate of Floor Space of Buildings Completed (%) 34.51 34.51 28.54 52.46 34.39 34.30 38.44 39.00 18.63 17.54
产值利润率(%) Ratio of  Profit to Gross Output Value (%) 3.19 3.19 -0.12 3.02 7.34 4.76 3.12 3.22 2.81 3.88 4.89 3.02
产值利税率(%) Ratio of Pre-tax Profit to Gross Output Value (%) 6.42 6.42 2.62 6.02 7.62 4.76 6.33 6.46 5.96 7.19 8.02 7.20