分行业城镇私营单位就业人员平均工资 |
Average Wage of
Employed persons in Urban Private Enterprises by Sector |
单位:元 |
(yuan) |
行 业 |
Sector |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
全省总计 |
Total |
13688 |
15111 |
17914 |
21729 |
农、林、牧、渔业 |
Forestry, Animal |
11090 |
13259 |
14324 |
20351 |
Husbandry and Fishery |
采矿业 |
Mining |
14602 |
17408 |
18554 |
23898 |
制造业 |
Manufacturing |
13609 |
14913 |
17782 |
22159 |
电力、燃气及水 |
and Distribution of |
16340 |
13661 |
18972 |
22424 |
的生产和供应业 |
Electricity, Gas and Water |
建筑业 |
Construction |
14107 |
16456 |
19591 |
22670 |
交通运输、仓储 |
Transport, Storage |
19432 |
18218 |
23119 |
26010 |
和邮政业 |
and Post |
信息传输、计算机 |
Transmission, Computer |
13294 |
15696 |
17894 |
18638 |
服务和软件业 |
Services and Software |
批发和零售业 |
Wholesale and
Retail Trades |
12790 |
13173 |
16415 |
19731 |
住宿和餐饮业 |
Hotels and
Catering Services |
11947 |
13089 |
15708 |
18856 |
金融业 |
Intermediation |
11557 |
17960 |
19627 |
21833 |
房地产业 |
Real Estate |
15136 |
16839 |
18990 |
21833 |
租赁和商务服务业 |
Leasing and
Business Services |
13248 |
17949 |
18664 |
20673 |
科学研究、技术 |
Scientific Research, Technical
Service |
17468 |
19553 |
20230 |
22348 |
服务和地质勘查业 |
and Geologic
Prospecting |
水利、环境和公共 |
Management of Water Conservancy, |
13981 |
13746 |
17054 |
18668 |
设施管理业 |
Environment and Public Facilities |
居民服务和其他 |
Services to Households and |
12788 |
15827 |
18446 |
20621 |
服务业 |
Other Services |
教 育 |
Education |
14674 |
15906 |
17561 |
20867 |
卫生、社会保障和 |
Social Security and |
14375 |
14983 |
17047 |
20810 |
社会福利业 |
Social Welfare |
文化、体育和娱乐业 |
Sports and Entertainment |
11118 |
12351 |
15855 |
18438 |
公共管理和社会组织 |
Management and Social |
14507 |
13616 |
18736 |
Organization |