按三次产业分的就业人员及构成 (年底数)
Number of Employed  Persons by Type of Industry  and Composition (End of Year)
  就业人员(万人)           成(以就业人员为100)
  Employed   Composition in Percentage (Total Employed Persons=100)
  Persons 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业
Year (10000 Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary
  persons) Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry
1978 2109.39 1621.61 292.83 194.95 76.88 13.88 9.24
1980 2182.80 1637.42 321.01 224.37 75.01 14.71 10.28
1985 2555.43 1603.36 557.49 394.58 62.74 21.82 15.44
1986 2626.41 1602.21 607.42 416.78 61.00 23.13 15.87
1987 2725.75 1615.62 653.23 456.90 59.27 23.97 16.76
1988 2808.33 1659.62 690.33 458.38 59.10 24.58 16.32
1989 2857.92 1739.11 674.31 444.50 60.85 23.60 15.55
1990 2955.47 1820.51 680.14 454.82 61.60 23.01 15.39
1991 3040.30 1905.27 690.04 444.99 62.67 22.70 14.63
1992 3106.28 1874.64 722.61 509.03 60.35 23.26 16.39
1993 3171.37 1857.14 778.68 535.55 58.56 24.55 16.89
1994 3210.37 1780.48 832.60 597.29 55.46 25.93 18.61
1995 3252.01 1729.29 879.08 643.64 53.18 27.03 19.79
1996 3300.16 1635.17 942.08 722.91 49.55 28.55 21.90
1997 3324.23 1634.03 940.24 749.96 49.16 28.28 22.56
1998 3367.18 1650.22 932.60 784.36 49.01 27.70 23.29
1999 3322.30 1653.25 879.69 789.36 49.76 26.48 23.76
2000 3385.71 1678.12 886.99 820.60 49.56 26.20 24.24
2001 3409.16 1676.34 899.68 833.14 49.17 26.39 24.44
2002 3435.00 1662.59 929.12 843.29 48.40 27.05 24.55
2003 3470.23 1672.26 942.84 855.13 48.19 27.17 24.64
2004 3516.71 1612.85 992.74 911.12 45.86 28.23 25.91
2005 3568.97 1564.72 1043.56 960.69 43.84 29.24 26.92
2006 3609.99 1524.89 1082.66 1002.44 42.24 29.99 27.77
2007 3664.97 1481.52 1134.51 1048.94 40.42 30.96 28.62
2008 3725.66 1481.37 1170.06 1074.23 39.76 31.41 28.83
2009 3792.49 1479.22 1203.36 1109.91 39.00 31.73 29.27
2010 3865.14 1464.21 1250.85 1150.08 37.88 32.36 29.76
2011 3962.42 1439.63 1319.83 1202.96 36.33 33.31 30.36
a) Since 1999, the date exclude those staff and workers who still keep their relation with their units, but have left their working post at there.