群众艺术馆、文化馆(站)业务活动及经费收支 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Activities and Expenditures of Mass Art  Centers and Cultural Centers (2010)
群众艺术馆、 群众艺术馆、 文化站
  文化馆 文化馆  
  (省、地市级) (县市级)  
Total Mass Art Mass Art Cultural
  Centers and Centers  and Stations
  Cultural Centers Cultural Centers  
  (Province and (County  
  City Level) Level)  
机构数(个) Number of Units (unit) 2319 13 164 2142
举办展览(个) Number of Exhibitions (unit) 5975 1137 1015 4846
组织文艺活动(次) Art Performances and Story-telling  Sessions (times)  
举办训练班 Training Courses 27408 678 5988 20742
      次(次)     Number of Classes  (times) 13852 1236 2802 9814
  培训人次(千人次)     Number of Persons Completing Courses (1000 person-times) 700.68 46.42 114.180 540.08
负责指导单位   Centers and Cultural Centers  
  馆办文艺团体(个)     Art Performance Troupes (unit) 325 48 277
  群众业余演出团(队)(个)     Part-time Art Groups  (unit) 18391 263 4420 13708
总支出(万元) Total Expenditures  (10000 yuan) 25437.4 4210.8 8169.5 11957.1
        Maintenance Expenses  
  各种设备购置费   Purchase of Instruments 568.0 35.3 67.1 465.6