亿元以上商品交易市场摊位分类情况 |
of Commodity Transaction Markets of Turnover above 100 Million Yuan |
项 目 |
Item |
摊 位 数 (个) |
成 交 额 (万元) |
Number of
Booths (unit) |
Turnover (10000 yuan) |
2009 |
2010 |
2009 |
2010 |
总 计 |
Total |
286813 |
305275 |
35079782 |
41251581 |
食品、饮料、烟酒类 |
Beverages, Tobacco and Liquor |
127400 |
130901 |
8911761 |
10277007 |
食品类 |
Food |
119677 |
123367 |
8329189 |
9639332 |
#粮油类 |
Grain and Oil |
7570 |
7179 |
896180 |
1052607 |
肉禽蛋类 |
Meat, Poultry
and Eggs |
7203 |
8031 |
900157 |
1029786 |
水产品类 |
Products |
5141 |
4984 |
337646 |
441436 |
蔬菜类 |
Vegetables |
81711 |
83372 |
4449168 |
4944295 |
干鲜果品类 |
Dried and
Fresh Melons and Fruits |
16790 |
18027 |
1449379 |
1750389 |
饮料类 |
Beverages |
3573 |
3265 |
217926 |
227935 |
烟酒类 |
Tobacco and Liquor |
4150 |
4269 |
364646 |
409740 |
服装鞋帽、针、纺织品 |
Clothing,Shoes,Hats and Textiles |
49040 |
48880 |
6636466 |
7019414 |
服装类 |
Clothing, |
25098 |
30283 |
1431668 |
4363183 |
鞋帽类 |
Shoes and Hats |
7533 |
7502 |
615421 |
932750 |
针、纺织品类 |
Knitwear and Textiles |
16409 |
11095 |
4589377 |
1723481 |
化妆品类 |
Cosmetics |
1519 |
1610 |
271740 |
283543 |
金银珠宝类 |
and Jewellery |
809 |
711 |
29707 |
18008 |
日用品类 |
Articles for
Daily Use |
16126 |
16600 |
2324400 |
2641797 |
#洗涤用品类 |
Washing Articles |
4995 |
5216 |
1050629 |
1206164 |
儿童玩具类 |
Children Toys |
9804 |
10040 |
1077605 |
1241432 |
五金、电料类 |
Hardware and
Electrical Materials |
3780 |
4085 |
898515 |
982236 |
体育、娱乐用品类 |
Sports and
Recreation Articles |
1230 |
1336 |
375033 |
347036 |
书报杂志类 |
and Magazines |
328 |
437 |
57615 |
63034 |
电子出版物及音像制品 |
and Video Products |
335 |
1140 |
65367 |
937931 |
家用电器和音像器材类 |
Appliances and Video Appliances |
1624 |
786 |
791604 |
92685 |
中西药品类 |
Chinese and Westem Medicines |
6501 |
6525 |
1010049 |
1013863 |
#西 药 |
Westem Medicines |
65 |
91 |
7518 |
12515 |
中草药及中成药 |
Traditional Chinese
Medicines |
6429 |
6432 |
1001937 |
1001347 |
文化办公用品类 |
Cultural and
Offices Appliances |
2139 |
2474 |
385655 |
477178 |
家俱类 |
Furniture |
9444 |
11187 |
1817555 |
3509419 |
通讯器材类 |
Communication Appliances |
497 |
775 |
113299 |
122287 |
煤炭及制品类 |
Coal and
Related Products |
241 |
265 |
216316 |
406741 |
木材及制品类 |
Wood and
Wooden Products |
1163 |
1039 |
233055 |
178551 |
石油及制品类 |
and Related Products |
21 |
28 |
3974 |
6209 |
化工材料及制品类 |
Materials and Related Products |
8359 |
8308 |
1394880 |
1439571 |
#化肥类 |
Fertilizers |
323 |
313 |
125051 |
127362 |
金属材料类 |
Materials |
10325 |
11389 |
3057436 |
3933984 |
建筑及装潢材料类 |
Building and
Decoration Materials |
6421 |
6226 |
1187556 |
1114198 |
机电产品及设备类 |
and Electrical Products |
4249 |
5727 |
816062 |
1130721 |
#农机类 |
Agricultural Machineries |
2044 |
2042 |
547715 |
777478 |
汽车类 |
Automobiles |
2860 |
13828 |
776150 |
999897 |
种子饲料类 |
Seeds and
Feedstuff |
2207 |
2155 |
89399 |
90750 |
棉麻类 |
Cotton,Hemp |
29 |
26 |
2122 |
2160 |
其他类 |
Others |
30166 |
28837 |
3614066 |
4163361 |