沿海主要港口货物吞吐量 (2010年)
Volume of Freight Handled in Major Coastal Ports by Type of Freight (2010)
单位:吨 (ton)
货物种类 Type of Freight     出港量   进港量  
#外  #外  #外 
Total Foreign Out-put Foreign In-put Foreign
  Trade   Trade   Trade
    Total 603438458 136074372 452116231 14134642 151322227 121939730
煤炭及制品 Coal 425451495 24544646 406238912 7717016 19212583 16827630
石油、天然气 Crude Petroleum Oil 16504060 7009791 5779831 262037 10724229 6747754
  及制品   and Natural Gas  
  #原油   Crude oil 14137012 6569631 5182336 8954676 6569631
金属矿石 Metal Ores 113183455 95587215 948360 112235095 95587215
  Steel and Iron 27245962 3243004 26861883 3006908 384079 236096
矿建材料 Mineral Building Materials 3526610 309518 2175712 293497 1350898 16021
  Cement 542160 20832 521328
  Timber 1227 1227
非金属矿石 Nonmetal Ores 1019220 9318 11869 9318 1007351
化肥农药 Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides 1167641 1146410 1006340 995946 161301 150464
Salt 959075 100488 92107 8788 866968 91700
  Grain 2274909 1650637 462547 1812362 1650637
机械、设备、 Machinery, Equipment, Electric 279045 145441 128135 116046 150910 29395
  电器    Appliance  
化工原料及制品 Industrial chemicals and product 573181 196376 343168 60517 230013 135859
有色金属 Non-ferrous metal  
轻工、医药产品 Light industry, medicine product 12254 10200 10200 10200 2054
农林牧渔业产品 Agriculture, forestry,   animal 472309 429192 324475 298474 147834 130718
    husbandry, and fishery product  
    Others 10225855 1692136 7711860 1355895 2513995 336241
a) Major coastal ports include Qinhuangdao, Huanghua and Tangshan.