林业及干鲜果生产 |
Forestry,Yield of Dry Fruit and
Fruit |
指 标 |
Item |
2000 |
2005 |
2009 |
2010 |
林业生产 |
Rorestry Production |
当年造林面积(千公顷) |
New Forestry
Area This Year (1000 hectares) |
305.00 |
304.77 |
306.37 |
283.89 |
#用材林 |
Timber Forest |
72 .22 |
51.16 |
29.45 |
18.95 |
经济林 |
Economic Forest |
50.16 |
19.90 |
13.83 |
14.78 |
防护林 |
Shelter Forest |
179.67 |
232.27 |
260.91 |
249.14 |
当年零星(四旁)植树(万株) |
Trees Piecemeal (10000 trees) |
12748 |
12496 |
10657 |
10037 |
村及村以下林木采伐量(万立方米) |
Fall of
Bamboo and Tree in Rural Areas (10000 cu.m) |
66.37 |
48.25 |
32.36 |
44.20 |
干鲜果生产(吨) |
Yield of Dry Fruit and Fruit (ton) |
果 |
Dry Fruit |
71900 |
164307 |
314814 |
282387 |
#核 桃 |
Walnuts |
30102 |
47032 |
70518 |
74392 |
板 栗 |
Chestnut |
34620 |
107079 |
211619 |
174640 |
园林水果 |
Fruit |
6791425 |
9184789 |
11040692 |
11117252 |
#苹 果 |
Apples |
1806155 |
2202273 |
2767973 |
2724614 |
梨 |
Pears |
2551647 |
3246220 |
3640682 |
3758287 |
花椒产量(吨) |
Chinese Prickly Ash Output (ton) |
7743 |
11936 |
13352 |
12271 |