固定资产投资价格指数 (上年=100)
Price Indices of Investment in Fixed Assets (Preceding Year=100)
      建筑安装工程 设备、工器具购置      
Investment Construction Purchase of Others
Year in Fixed and Equipment,  
Assets Installation Tools and  
1991 106.8 104.1 110.5 107.2
1992 129.3 131.2 122.0 148.3
1993 124.8 133.0 121.0 86.0
1994 110.0 108.1 110.1 123.2
1995 106.9 106.0 106.2 115.1
1996 103.9 106.0 100.0 101.9
1997 101.5 105.0 95.0 101.2
1998 97.8 99.4 94.4 98.5
1999 99.4 100.0 96.4 104.3
2000 101.1 102.3 98.4 100.9
2001 99.9 100.6 97.9 100.4
2002 99.5 100.0 98.0 100.3
2003 102.3 104.2 98.5 101.4
2004 107.0 109.6 103.6 102.1
2005 101.9 101.8 101.9 102.0
2006 101.7 101.6 101.6 102.0
2007 103.8 105.4 100.7 102.4
2008 109.6 113.9 101.6 105.8
2009 96.5 94.7 97.4 102.3
2010 103.7 105.0 101.2 102.8