Consumption of Main Energy Sources in above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector
企业数:个  指标值:万吨标准煤 (unit,10000 tons of SCE)
      Item 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
企业数 指标值 企业数 指标值 企业数 指标值 企业数 指标值 企业数 指标值 企业数 指标值
Number of Index Number of Index Number of Index Number of Index Number of Index Number of Index
Enterprises   Enterprises   Enterprises   Enterprises   Enterprises   Enterprises  
规模以上工业综合能源消费量 Consumption of Energy Sources in above Designated  9515 13976.29 10325 15859.48 10653 16991.34 12302 16683.83 12929 17159.63 13889 18117.87
    Size Industrial Enterprises  
  六大高耗能行业能耗 Energy Consumption of the top-6 Energy-consuming Industries 2689 12543.40 2819 14138.25 2863 15156.23 3088 14918.50 3146 15372.10 3212 16291.02
    煤炭开采和洗选业 Mining and Washing of Coal 142 839.67 159 793.68 182 724.44 202 804.75 173 793.35 182 868.84
    石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业 Processing of Petroleum,Coking,Processing of Nucleus Fuel 99 730.46 114 713.88 115 717.54 117 588.24 121 592.49 131 625.67
    化学原料及化学制品制造业 Manufacture of Raw Chemical Material and Chemical Products 680 1041.74 739 1131.59 788 1276.30 888 1191.81 912 1010.17 948 986.55
    非金属矿物制品业 Manufacture of Non-metallic Mineral Products 1042 892.68 1095 1132.04 1083 1215.00 1150 1108.40 1209 1093.57 1227 1115.42
    黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 511 5863.88 472 6977.67 468 7735.15 483 7817.77 480 8466.07 466 8812.55
    电力、热力的生产和供应业 Production and Distribution of Electric Power and Heat Power 215 3174.96 240 3389.40 227 3487.80 248 3407.52 251 3416.46 258 3881.98
  其他行业能耗 Energy Sources Consumption of Other Industrial Sectors 6826 1432.88 7506 1721.23 7790 1835.10 9214 1765.33 9783 1787.53 10677 1826.86
    石油和天然气开采业 Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas 5 110.85 5 112.47 4 123.40 5 91.91 2 68.92 2 64.93
    黑色金属矿采选业 Mining and Processiong of Ferrous Metal Ores 524 89.35 612 148.66 644 155.07 892 189.04 823 169.76 961 217.41
    有色金属矿采选业 Mining and Processiong of Non-ferrous Metal Ores 33 4.00 33 4.72 33 4.70 31 6.78 37 6.39 34 7.13
    非金属矿采选业 Mining and Processiong of Processing of Nonmetal Ores 79 15.07 82 18.02 80 15.81 89 13.20 97 14.30 108 21.48
    农副食品加工业 Processing of Food From Agricultural Products 561 163.06 623 196.81 593 205.49 644 210.90 706 207.73 760 202.30
    食品制造业 Manufacture of Foods 214 68.89 234 92.90 236 95.31 276 82.82 284 65.64 293 55.27
    饮料制造业 Manufacture of Beverage 141 38.18 148 43.95 156 53.76 172 55.39 176 51.82 184 51.82
    烟草制品业 Manufacture of Tobacco 4 3.82 4 3.99 4 4.22 4 4.09 4 3.66 3 3.11
    纺织业 Manufacture of Textile 639 113.73 694 140.72 708 140.90 808 131.09 788 127.04 837 131.88
    纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业 Manufacture of Textile Wearing Apparel,Footware,and Caps 227 10.17 251 14.45 265 13.98 282 11.71 288 12.07 288 13.01
    皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒)及其制品业 Manufacture of Leather,Fur,Feather and Related Products 287 21.65 304 45.63 294 48.87 364 43.99 396 45.84 511 40.54
    木材加工及木、竹、藤棕草制品业 Processing of Timbers,Manufacture of Wood,Bamboo, 98 19.87 99 28.27 106 35.23 127 37.73 145 44.84 123 43.26
    Rattan,Palm,and Straw Products  
    家具制造业 Manufacture of Funiture 88 5.12 93 11.47 95 11.59 103 12.73 126 11.58 140 14.48
    造纸及纸制品业 Manufacture of Paper and Paper Products 295 177.01 307 195.22 283 191.89 299 172.91 302 154.28 311 138.96
    印刷业和记录媒介的复制 Printing,Reproducting of Recording Media 101 3.38 106 9.02 96 8.29 113 8.15 116 6.21 132 8.78
    文教体育用品制造业 Manufacture of Articles for Culture,Education and Sport Activity 43 0.90 48 1.62 51 1.92 50 1.66 65 1.85 74 2.11
    医药制造业 Manufacture of Medicines 160 97.85 158 99.74 167 109.26 181 105.89 194 96.13 213 118.78
    化学纤维制造业 Manufacture of Chemical Fiber 23 47.12 21 37.84 28 36.41 35 30.72 38 29.88 43 27.60
    橡胶制品业 Manufacture of Rubber 213 28.33 249 30.82 276 39.94 289 45.77 298 50.88 320 56.74
    塑料制品业 Manufacture of Plastic 310 53.29 349 69.52 365 64.71 429 65.69 476 66.95 484 63.37
    有色金属冶炼及压延加工业 Smelting and Pressing of Non-ferrous Metals 172 34.24 196 38.03 191 40.84 212 38.12 193 125.03 208 35.47
    金属制品业 Manufacture of Metal Products 542 52.57 583 70.80 647 96.53 813 79.81 885 86.46 1038 84.82
    通用设备制造业 Manufacture of General Purpose Machinery 719 73.29 815 126.54 909 148.97 1116 132.49 1206 135.77 1330 189.81
    专用设备制造业 Manufacture of Special Purpose Machinery 347 63.49 389 50.58 419 51.94 523 57.10 607 59.49 645 66.09
    交通运输设备制造业 Manufacture of Transport Equipment 314 74.11 360 48.71 399 60.01 480 58.80 525 62.88 565 73.03
    电气机械及器材制造业 Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Equipment 349 33.29 384 37.70 419 43.12 509 43.32 577 48.64 628 56.03
    通信设备、计算机及其他 Manufacture of Communication Equipment,Computer  79 11.37 94 12.54 96 13.21 104 12.68 121 12.04 118 18.72
      电子设备制造业   and Other Electronic Equipment  
    仪器仪表及文化、办公用 Manufacture of Measuring Instrument and Machinery  53 4.04 65 4.74 68 5.74 68 5.32 92 5.37 89 3.99
      机械制造业   for Cultural Activity and Office Work  
    工艺品及其他制造业 Manufacture of Artwork and Other Manufacture  84 4.47 80 5.40 74 3.81 101 4.11 114 3.84 123 5.00
    废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业 Recycling and Disposal of Waste 3 0.68 7 1.38 14 1.80 18 3.06 20 2.88 30 3.28
    燃气生产和供应业 Production and Distribution of Gas 18 3.24 21 12.50 21 2.29 28 2.18 31 3.44 29 1.52
    水的生产和供应业 Production and Distribution of Water 101 6.48 92 6.48 49 6.09 49 6.16 51 5.91 53 6.16
a) The numer of enterprises do not include the number of cut-off enterprises.