总投资10亿元以上城镇建设项目主要经济指标 (2010年)
Major Economic Indicators of Investment Over One Thousand Million under Construction (2010)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
    累计完成   累计新增
建设单位及建设项目 总投资     #本年 固定资产
Total Accumulative 完成 Accumulative
Unit Names Investment Investment This Newly
Planed Actually Year Increased
    Completed   Fixed Assets
石家庄中冶基础设施投资有限公司太行大街城市快速路系统工程 267285 104735 104735 104735
Taihang-Street Urban Express-way Project, by Shijiazhuang Infrastructure investment   
 Company of Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd.  
中国石油化工股份有限公司石家庄炼化分公司石炼化质量升级改造 530000 51400 51400
Upgrading Project of Shijiazhuang Petro-chemical Company of China Petroleum  
  & Chemical Corporation  
石家庄南翟营村委会住宅楼 112016 121678 11723 112016
Residential Building, Nanzhaiying Villager's Committee, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市滹沱河综合整治指挥办公室滹沱河防洪综合整治生态环境修复工程 110559 69983 69983
Reinstatement Project of Entironment of Futuohe River   
滹沱河生态园建设指挥部滹沱河生态园一期 110000 12021 12021
First-Stage of Futuohe River Ecological Park  
石家庄市二环快速路提升工程指挥部石家庄市二环快速路提升工程 305000 310028 64780 64780
Promotion Project of the 2nd-circle Expressway  
北京铁路局石家庄货运迁建工程建设指挥部石家庄货运系统迁建工程 389970 354421 174421
Remove Project of Shijiazhuang Freight Transport System  
石家庄市滹沱河生态开发整治工程指挥办公室滹沱河生态开发整治工程 146000 135664 11368
Futuohe River Entironment Development and Cure Project  
河北省石家庄监狱住宅楼 120000 8000 8000
Residential Building, Shijiazhuang Prison  
恒大地产集团石家庄有限公司恒大城 160000 193175 190745 190745
Hengda City by Shijiazhuang Company of Hengda Real-estate Group  
石家庄市华润综合体项目拆迁指挥部华润综合体 430000 81000 81000
Huarun Comprehensive Project   
石家庄市城市建设开发总公司中银广场项目管理部中银广场 100000 56000 40000
Zhongyin Plaza Project  
石药集团有限公司河北医院财富中心项目 136949 1000 1000
Hebei Hospital Fortune Center of Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd.  
石家庄市桥西区西三教居委会西三教旧城改造 100000 63300 53000
Reconstruction of Old City, Xisanjiao, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市仓安实业总公司翰林观天下 203293 41200 41000
Hanlin Guantianxia Project, by Cangan Industrial Controlling Company  
石家庄市振头实业总公司振二街城中村改造一期 100000 88000 48000
Reconstruction of Old Village Project, Zhener-road, Shijiazhuang  
孔寨村委会城中村改造筹建处城中村改造 200000 63257 50257
Reconstruction of Old Village Project, Kongzhai, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市交通局张石高速公路石家庄段 630328 630238 94007 94007
Shijiazhuang Section of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway  
石家庄市环城公路建设指挥办公室石环公路 477102 467160 5310
Shijiazhuang Circle Expressway  
石家庄市环城公路建设指挥部办公室 石环公路辅道及城区道路连接线 230700 37862 37862
Auxiliary Road and Approach Road for Urban Roads to Shijiazhuang Circle Expressway    
石家庄市新华区赵陵铺镇赵一街村民委员会赵一街旧村改造 240000 202000 67000
Reconstruction of Old Village, Zhaoyi-Road, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市新华区赵陵铺镇赵二街村村民委员会旧村改造 160000 137000 72000
Reconstruction of Old Village, Zhao'er-Road, Shijiazhuang  
河北航空集团投资有限公司河北航空基地项目 1200000 60000 60000
Hebei Air Base of Hebei Airline Corporation Ltd.  
石家庄市新华区赵陵铺镇党家庄村村发委员会旧村改造 200000 162000 61000
Reconstruction of Old Village, Dangjiazhuang Village,  Zhaolingpu Town, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市永生集团股份有限公司西三庄城中村改造 208144 196300 105300
Reconstruction of Old Village, Xisanzhuang, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市华东实业总公司东三庄城中村改造 150000 45729 45729
Reconstruction of Old Village, Dongsanzhuang, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市新华区杜北乡上京村村民委员会文化艺术品交易市场 110000 30000 27000
Cultural and Artwork Trading Center, Shangjing Village, Dubei, Shijiazhuang  
井陉矿务局采煤沉陷综合治理 110939 72389 9414
Comprehensive Training Works of  sinkholes in coal mining areas,    
 by Jingxing Bureau of  Mines  
河北方北集团股份有限公司方北购物广场 140320 130243 28843
Fangbei Shopping Center, Shijiazhuang  
河北方北集团股份有限公司方北城中村改造(二期) 167051 166596 94600
Reconstruction of Old Village, Fangbei, Shijiazhuang  
河北师范大学新校区 268773 147000 47000
New Campus of Hebei Normal University  
石家庄市华明实业公司塔冢城中村改造 650000 104000 84000
Reconstruction of Old Village, Tazhong, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄栗威科技有限公司南栗城中村改造 163500 53000 46000
Reconstruction of Old Village, Lichengzhongcun, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄北方药博园管委会建北方药博园 1384100 17740 7000
Beifang Exposition of Medicine, Shijiazhuang  
河北怀特集团股份有限公司怀特第一小区 196533 183533 68533
Huaite First residential Area, Shijiazhuang  
河北怀特集团股份有限公司槐南小区回迁楼 117385 114340 35000
Reconstruction of Huainan Residential Area, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市裕华区裕东街道办事处二十里铺社区二十里铺城中村改造 260000 226000 156000
Reconstruction of Old Village, Ershilipu, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市裕华区裕东街道办事处大马社区大马旧村改造二期 307912 198064 83764
Second Stage of Reconstruction of Old Village, Damacun Village, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市裕东街道办事处小马社区小马村回迁楼 175000 157000 91000
Reconstruction of Old Village, Xiaomacun Village, Shijiazhuang  
石家庄市环城水系综合治理开发有限公司石家庄环城水系 1226030 44000 44000
River System Around the City of Shijiazhuang   
河北乾昊贸易集团有限责任公司乾昊钙系列产品升级改造产业化项目 150011 150011 65212 150011
Upgrading and Industrialization Project, Qianhao Trading Corp., Ltd.  
河北旭跃实业集团旭源物流 103000 103000 23750 103000
Xuyuan Logistics Project, Xuyue Industrial Group  
正定县市场建设管理办公室正定国际小商品市场扩建三期 115800 132500 37500
Third-Stage of Construction of Zhengding International Small Commodity Market  
石家庄常山纺织股份有限公司高档服装面料 142000 170000 48000 48000
Production Line of Plus Material for Sunday Clothes, Changshan Textile Co., Ltd.  
石家庄常山纺织股份有限公司高档绿色环保服装面料 112775 6000 6000
Production Line of  Environment-friendly Plus Materials for High-end Apparel ,  
 Changshan Textile Co., Ltd.  
石家庄飞机工业有限责任公司石家庄航空产业制造基地 230300 53000 44000
Shijiazhuang Aero-Manufacturing Base   
河北顺邦百营物流有限公司百营物流中心 100216 26640 23300
Baiying Logistics Center, Shunbang Baiying Logistics Co., Ltd.  
河北华电石家庄裕华热电有限公司一期工程 273161 292524 62606 292524
First-Stage of Yuhua Thermal Power Co., Ltd.  
石家庄华牧种鸡场新建厂房 156000 32867 18867
New Workshop of Huamu Breeding Chicken Company  
灵寿县供销社石家庄小商品加工制造项目 330000 1716 1716
Shijiazhuang Manufacturing Base of Small Commodities, Lingshou  
石家庄龙泽制药有限公司年产1660吨抗病毒系列药物产业化 100000 7240 7240
1660-ton Production Line of Anti-Virus Pharmaceuticals   
 of Shijiazhuang Longze Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.  
石家庄航程门业有限公司无极县装饰材料工业园区 105000 12088 12088
Wuji Industrial Zone for Decorative Materials  
平山县交通局西柏坡高速公路 370000 54000 54000 54000
Xibaipo Expressway  
石家庄华莹玻璃制品有限公司环保型电熔炉全自动生产线技术改造工程 116000 36000 13000 13000
Upgrading Project of Auto Production Line of Eco-Friendly Electric Melting Furnace,   
河北天山蟠龙湖旅游开发有限公司天山龙湖世界 1083726 42500 42500
Project of Tianshan Longhu World, Invested by Hebei Tianshan   
 Panlonghu Tourism Development Co., Ltd.  
赵县交通运输局赵县畅运物流园 108315 2000 2000
Changyun Logistics Park, Zhaoxian County  
河北兴物生物科技有限公司年产2400吨生物炼制产品项目 113183 2000 2000
2400-ton Biorefinery Production Line, Invested by Hebei Xingwu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.  
一山实业集团有限公司东方曼哈顿城市广场 124000 82048 33400
Oriental Manhattan City Plaza, Yishan Industrial Corp,. Ltd., Shijiazhuang  
石家庄高新区建设管理局长江大道东延工程 123100 81600 81600
Westward Extension Project of Changjiang Street, Shijiazhuang High and New   
 Technology Industrialization Zone  
石家庄高新区建设局市政设施项目 243871 76350 76350
Infrastructure Project of Shijiazhuang High and New Technology Industrialization Zone  
石家庄以岭药业股份有限公司现代特色中药产业化项目 160000 41665 34634
Modernized and Industrialized Project of Chinese Traditional Medicine,   
 by Yiling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.  
石家庄高新建设投资有限公司高新区32号地块居住小区一期工程 131644 50000 50000
First Stage of Residential Area of 32# Block of Shijiazhuang High-tech Development Zone  
石家庄旭新光电科技有限公司TFT—LCD玻璃基板项目 270000 81000 81000
Production Line of  Glass Substrate of TFT-LCD, by Shijiazhuang Xuxin   
 Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.  
河北辛集皮革商业城经济开发总公司中国国际皮革城新建 100000 67482 47782
China International Leather Center, Xinji, Shijiazhuang  
河北白沙烟草有限责任公司生活区建设 100000 60000 60000
Living Quarters of Hebei Baisha Tobacco Co., Ltd.  
石家庄良村热电有限公司良村电厂两台30万千瓦上大压小工程项目 300000 263000 163000
Upgrading Project of Dual-30,000 KW-Generator-Set, Liangcun Power Plant,   
华北制药河北华民药业有限责任公司新型头孢项目 153000 153000 153000 153000
Neo-flomoxef Production Line, Invested by Hebei   
 Huamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Of NCPC  
益海(石家庄)粮油工业有限公司年产9万吨植物油项目 100000 15000 15000
90000-ton Production Line of Vegetable Oil, Invested by Yihai (Shijiazhuang)   
 Oil and Grain Co., Ltd.  
石家庄东方美术职业学院东方文化创意中心 128600 126000 126000
Dongfang Cultural Idea Center of Shijiazhuang Dongfang Academy of Fine Arts  
河北华电石家庄鹿华热电有限公司石家庄鹿华热电一期工程 314000 155425 96700
First-Stage of Luhua Thermal Power Plant, Shijiazhuang  
唐山市南湖生态城管理委员会扩湖 146890 146890 61021
Expansion Project of Nanhu Lake, Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城溯河盐业有限公司三河一路绿化工程 100000 100000 18000 82000
Landscape Engineering of Three Rivers and One Road, Suhe Salt Co., Ltd.,   
 Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City , Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司城市桥梁工程 700000 148600 79600
Project of Bridge Construction, Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City , Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城生态园林有限公司生态城景观建设二期 150000 89200 12700 89200
Second-Stage of Ecological Landscape of Caofeidian International   
 Eco-friendly City Project  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司假日酒店(海岸花园) 100000 81200 12200
Holiday Inn of Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City , Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城投资有限公司中日生态城 630000 258000 15000
China-Japan Eco-friendly CityCaofeidian, Tangshan  
曹妃甸开发建设有限公司起步区路网工程 200000 147400 46400
Road-net of Starting Area, by Caofeidian Development Co., Ltd.   
唐山工业技术职业学院曹妃甸新校园建设工程 150000 97000 56000
New Campus of Tangshan College Industry and Technology  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城投资有限公司央企生活服务基地 530000 45100 28100
Daily Service Center for State-Owned Enterprises, Caofeidian International    
 Eco-friendly City Project  
唐山曹妃甸佳祥房地产开发有限公司翰林国际 251290 27900 15900
Hanlin International Project, by Caofeidian Jiaxiang Real Estate Co. Ltd.  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城生态园林有限公司生态城景观建设一期 100000 66500 16500 66500
First-Stage of Ecological Landscape of Caofeidian International   
 Eco-friendly City Project  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司世界名城 580000 99500 9500
Shijie Mingcheng Project of Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City , Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城投资有限公司欧洲风情小镇 500000 118300 16800
European Style Town Project of Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City , Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司生态城中部造地工程 200000 110500 37500
Inner Polder Project of Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City , Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司滨海大道生态城段工程 200000 199000 102000 63600
Binhai Avenue Project, Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City , Tangshan   
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司城市内河水系工程 320000 136000 51000
Inland River System Project, Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City , Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸科教城开发建设有限公司青龙湖生态度假区 132000 86100 25100
Ecological Resort of Qinglonghu Lake, Caofeidian International   
 Eco-friendly City, Tangshan  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司市政六条路和观湖大道(起步区网格化工程) 232000 144800 24800 144800
Six Roads and Guanhu Avenue of the Starting Area of  Caofeidian International  
  Eco-friendly City Project  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城生态园林有限公司生态城景观建设三期 100000 68800 12400 68800
Third-Stage of Ecological Landscape of Caofeidian International   
 Eco-friendly  City Project  
曹妃甸开发建设有限公司北区路网二期工程 145000 9600 9600
Second-Stage of Road-net of North Area of Caofeidian International   
 Eco-friendly City Project  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城投资有限公司生态城外堤建设工程 235000 13300 13300
Outer Bank of Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司滨海国际 252100 14900 14900
Binhai International Project of Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司生态城路网工程二期 119500 35800 35800
Second Stage of Road Net of Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City  
唐山曹妃甸发展投资集团有限公司滨海大道西延工程 209900 1500 1500
Westward Extension Project of Binhai Avenue of Caofeidian International  
 Eco-friendly City  
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城投资有限公司曹妃甸论坛会址 150000 12400 12400
Site of Caofeidian Forum   
唐山曹妃甸国际生态城市政建设有限公司城市轻轨(城市绿色公交系统) 200000 13700 13700
Light Railway of Caofeidian International Eco-friendly City  
唐山市交通局长深高速承唐段 242000 281048 96956
Chengde-Tangshan Section of Changchun-Shenzhen Expressway  
唐山交通局邦宽线遵化段 109000 99350 90000
Zunhua Section of Bangjun-Kuancheng Highway, by Tangshan  Administration   
 of Transportation Administration of Transportation  
唐山市交通局唐丰快速路 121000 121000 121000 121000
Tangshan-Fengrun Expressway, Tangshan  
唐山交通局机场连接线 108577 108577 108000 108000
Expressway to Tangshan Airport   
唐山市公路建设管理局G205线丰南至古冶改建工程 237181 163630 99030
Reconstruction of Fengnan-Guye Section of G205 Expressway  
唐山市陡河青龙河管委会市区水系综合治理工程 300000 203747 155217
Comprehensive Training Works of Douhe River-Qinlonghe River Water System   
冀东石油油气勘探开发工程 1922834 3655765 278360 222600
Jidong Exploratory Development Project of Petrol and Natural Gas  
开滦(集团)有限责任公司技改项目 240721 265953 208820 78951
Technological Upgrading Project of Kailuan Corp., Ltd.  
中国石油天然气股份有限公司冀东油田分公司原油储备库建设工程 117641 109941 42253 109941
Petrol Storage Project of Jidong Oil Field Company of PetroChina Co., Ltd.  
唐山不锈钢有限公司不锈钢配套工程 230299 697153 63831 63831
Auxiliary Projects of Stainless Steel Production Line, Tangshan Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.  
唐山市开平区税务庄街道办事处河联税东区廉租房住宅、 210000 115000 50000 50000
Project of Low-rent Housing, Economical Housing and Old Village Reconstruction,    
 Shuiwuzhuang Subdistrict, Kaiping District, Tangshan  
唐山北方陶瓷集团有限公司建设高档卫生陶瓷项目 281499 49400 49400
High-end Sanitary Ceramics Production Line, by Tangshan Beifang   
 Ceramics Corporation Ltd.  
唐山正元管业有限公司新建镀锌钢型复合管项目 105000 30500 30500
Production Line of Galvanized Composite Tube, by Tangshan Zhengyuan Tube Co., Ltd.  
唐山市丰润区交通局丰津线丰润段 142000 79017 79017
Fengren Section of Fengren-Tianjin Expressway  
河北省冀东水泥集团有限责任公司三条日产4500吨新型干法熟料水泥生产线 156000 174288 3966 3966
Project of Triple-4500-Ton Production Line of dry process cement   
 of clinker and Cogeneration, Jidong Cement Corp., Ltd., Hebei  
河北大唐国际丰润热电工程扩建处河北唐山新区热电厂上大压小工程 257600 249403 53365 31737
Upgrading Project of Thermal Power Plant, Xinqu District, Tangshan  
滦县滦河防洪综合整治工程建设处滦河防洪综合整治工程 160200 103716 101056
Comprehensive Training Works of Luanhe River  
唐钢滦县司家营铁矿开发二期及南区采选工程 1200000 737800 310500
Second Stage of Sijiaying Iron Ore Exploratory Project, and Ore-dressing Project  
 in South Sijiaying, by Tanggang  Iron Ore Co., Ltd.  
唐山东海钢铁集团有限责任公司大型冶金装备制造项目 108000 55172 55172
Production Line of Large Metallurgical Equipment, by Tangshan Donghai   
 Iron and Steel Corporation Ltd.  
滦南县畜牧局滦南整合农业财政资金发展奶牛产业项目 118253 110700 64500
Financial Funded Industrialization Project of dairy farming, Luannan County  
滦南县交通局滦海公路工程 144500 86462 86462
Luanhai Highwayby Luannan Administration of Transportation  
唐山湾国际旅游岛开发建设指挥部内海清淤祥云岛造地及陆域回填 168100 125430 125430 125430
Project of Inner-sea Dredging, Xiangyun-Island Land Reclaiming and backfilling  
 International Tourism Island, Tangshan Gulf  
乐亭新区建设投资有限公司临港产业聚集区A区造地工程 102800 84200 84200 69200
Land Reclaiming of A Block of Coastal Industrial Zone, Laoting Xinqu  
乐亭新区建设投资有限公司临港产业聚集区C区造地工程 110190 95900 95900 78900
Land Reclaiming of C Block of Coastal Industrial Zone, Laoting Xinqu  
唐山湾国际旅游岛开发建设指挥部内海清淤菩提岛、月岛造地 136800 111040 111040 111040
Project of Puti-Island Inner-sea Dredging and Yuedao-Island Land Reclaiming  
 International Tourism Island, Tangshan Gulf  
唐山湾国际旅游岛开发建设指挥部旅游专用线 100000 50000 50000 50000
Project of Travel Line Bus, International Tourism Island, Tangshan Gulf  
乐亭县城市建设投资有限公司茂源东街沿线安置房工程 138400 67340 67340 38780
Resettled Residential Area along Maoyuan Eastern Street, Laoting  
乐亭县通远交通投资有限公司乐港路改建工程 156000 156000 51450 50000
Reconstruction of Laoting-Jingtang Port Highway, Laoting  
迁西县交通局三抚线改建工程 134000 134000 14300
Reconstruction of Qianxi Section of Sentencing-Funing Highway  
迁西县交通局京秦高速公路迁西支线 242400 124000 124000
Qianxi-branch of Beijing-Qinhuangdao Expressway  
唐山市玉田县古玉煤焦化工有限公司煤焦化工项目新建 120000 119000 51000 51000
Coking Production Line, by Guyue Coal Chemical Co., Ltd.  
唐山邦力晋银化工有限公司迁建项目一期工程 110790 56600 56600
First Stage of Movement Project of Tangshan Bangli Jinyin Chemical Co., Ltd.  
唐山东方世纪物流有限公司唐山曹妃甸综合物流中心新建 106720 12040 3920
Caofeidian Logistics Center, by Tangshan Dongfangshiji Logistics Co., Ltd.  
海天新能源有限公司海天新能源电动汽车项目新建 100000 27140 26540
New Energy Auto Production Line, by Haitian New Energy Co., Ltd.  
唐海京港房地产开发有限公司渤海明珠汽车城建设项目 119000 13064 13064
Bohaiminzhu Auto City, by Tanghai Jinggang Real Estate Co., Ltd.  
唐山文丰机械设备有限公司新建10万吨年环件及锻轴生产线 151658 114168 113418
100,000-Ton Ring-shaped Casting and Forged Shaft Production line, Wenfeng  
唐山佳华煤化工有限公司京唐港焦化厂一期工程 331500 312409 45379
First-Stage of Coking Plant of Jingtang Port by Tangshan Jiahua Coal Chemical Co., Ltd.  
唐山港集团股份有限公司京唐港区20-22号通用杂货泊位工程 119936 118886 24171
Construction of NO. 20-22 Break-bulk General Cargo Berths, Jingtang Port  
开滦能源化工股份有限公司15万吨/已二酸 292624 72596 69500
150,000 Ton Adipic Acid Production Line, Kailuan Power and Chemical Co., Ltd.  
京唐港首钢码头有限公司矿石,愿敷料及成品泊位工程 330707 330000 279488
Construction of Berth of Ores, Materials and Products, Shougang Dock, Jingtang Port  
开滦能源化工股份有限公司6万吨/年聚甲醛工程 191809 70895 69700
60,000 Ton Polyformaldehyde Production Line, Kailuan Power and Chemical Co., Ltd.  
中央储备粮唐山直属库脂油料仓储 122996 56362 48297
Project of  Storage of Edible Oil and Materials, National Grain Storage Tangshan Branch  
南堡经济开发区管委会四方物流一期项目 135000 138146 5228 5228
First-Stage of Fourth Party Logistics and Electronic Business Center,  
南堡开发区管委会信汇医药中间体项目 250000 26000 15000 15000
Project of Xinhui Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Nanbao Economic Development Zone  
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区东南海堤二期工程 163147 115051 20875 20875
Second Stage of Southeast Sea Wall of Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
首钢京唐钢铁联合有限责任公司首钢京唐公司钢铁厂 6572800 5506913 960181 1698455
Iron Steel Plant of Shougang Jingtang Iron and Steel Joint stock Co., Ltd.   
唐山曹妃甸港口有限公司唐山港曹妃甸港区通用码头起步工程 123567 123296 2100 123296
Zero-stage of General Dock of Caofeidian Port  
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区装备制造基地围海造地五期工程 146000 139513 46000 46000
Fifth Stage of Polder Project of Equipment Manufacturing Base, Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区公共港区冀东油田北侧造地工程 172995 110298 9029 9029
Polder Project in the north of Jidong Oil Field Base, Public Area,  
 Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区加工工业区西部一期围海造地工程 117294 110486 19741 19741
First Stage of Polder Project, the West of Manufacturing Sub-area,   
 Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区仓储区围海造地工程 186000 189403 28539 28539
Polder Project of Warehouse Sub-area of Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山重型装备集团有限责任公司重大冶金矿山装备制造基地一期建设项目 149890 48400 45890
First Stage of Manufacturing Base of Heavy Mining and Metallurgical Equipments,  
 Tangshan Heavy Equipment Corp., Ltd.  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司滦曹公路连接线工程(含跨纳潮河大桥) 124106 124020 5020 5020
Approach Road to Luannan-Caofeidian Expressway (Including Nachaohe Bridge)  
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸加工工业区西部二期围海造地工程 111849 76742 30602 30602
Second Stage of Polder Project, West Manufacturing Sub-area, Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山曹妃甸港口有限公司曹妃甸综合(集装箱)物流项目 197821 186400 47400 47400
Caofeidian Comprehensive (Container) Logistics Project, Caofeidian Port Co., Ltd.  
中国石油集团海洋工程有限公司唐山分公司渤海湾生产支持基地 145000 128400 67400
Production Support Base of Tangshan Branch of Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.,  
 China National Petroleum Corporation  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司西通路高架工程 300000 299850 26600 26600
Elevated Road Works of Xitong-road, by Caofeidian infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd.  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司综合服务区南区配套服务基站工程 200000 199810 84810 84810
Auxiliary Service Base Station of South Comprehensive Service Sub-area,  
  by Caofeidian infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd.  
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸钢铁产业区南部造地工程 388845 223797 27659 27659
South Polder Project of Caofeidian Iron and Steel Industrial Sub-area,  
 Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山文丰广易钢结构制造有限公司曹妃甸文丰广易钢材深加工项目 164687 86483 83393
Project of Steel Intensive Processing, by Wenfeng Guangyi   
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司综合服务区基投·锦岸 110000 109850 8700 8700
Jinan Residential Sub-area of Comprehensive Service Area, Caofeidian Industrial Area,  
  By Caofeidian Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd.  
唐山曹妃甸港口有限公司曹妃甸钢铁物流区 111079 109800 15100 15100
Caofeidian Iron and Steel Logistics Area, Caofeidian Port Co., Ltd.  
华海风能发展有限公司冀东水泥曹妃甸风力发电设备制造项目 215100 67665 58228
Equipment Manufacturing for Caofeidian Wind Power, Jidong Cement Corp., Ltd.  
唐山港曹妃甸港区矿石码头二期工程项目 310180 250000 250000
Second Stage of Ore Dock of Caofeidian Port  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司港池岛市政路网二期工程 124000 86900 86900
Second Stage of Municipal Facilities Project of Harbor Basin of Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山盾石机械制造有限责任公司盾石机械制造建设项目 110250 45502 45502
Tangshan Dunshi Machinery Co., Ltd.  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司高新区土地整理工程 120000 119800 119800 119800
Land Consolidation of Caofeidian High and new Technology Industrialization  
 and Development Zone  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司高新区土地整理二期工程 132000 116800 116800 116800
Second Stage of Land Consolidation of Caofeidian High and new Technology  
 Industrialization and Development Zone  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司港池岛土地整理工程 134000 90600 90600
Land Consolidation of Harbor Basin of Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司港池岛东侧土地整理二期工程 126000 85100 85100
Second Stage of Land Consolidation of Harbor Basin of Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区港池岛西部造地工程 157152 30859 30859
Polder Project of West Harbor Basin of Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司高新技术区市政路网三期工程 126000 84700 84700
Third Stage of Road Net of Caofeidian High and new Technology Industrialization  
 and Development Zone  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司高新区土地整理三期工程 113000 82400 82400
Third Stage of Land Consolidation of Caofeidian High and new Technology  
 Industrialization and Development Zone  
国投曹妃甸港口有限公司唐山港曹妃甸港区煤码头续建工程 444035 200176 200176
Continued Project of Coal Cock of Caofeidian Port  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司高新产业配套职工倒班宿舍 154019 153700 153700 153700
Lodging House for Shift Workers of Caofeidian High and new Technology  
 Industrialization and Development Zone  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司综合服务区市政路网三期工程 115000 84200 84200
Third Stage of Comprehensive Service Area, Caofeidian  
唐山曹妃甸中视中科光电技术有限公司曹妃甸激光显示核心产业基地 330792 33800 33800
Caofeidian Core Industrial Base of Laser Display, by Beijing Phoebus Vision   
 Opto-elec Tech. Co., Ltd.  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司曹妃甸工业区高新区北部造地工程 210000 184700 184700 184700
Polder Project of the North of Caofeidian High and new Technology  
 Industrialization and Development Zone  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司滨海休闲区土地整理二期工程 105000 71900 71900
Land Consolidation of Coastal Recreation Area, Caofeidian  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司二港池西区土地整理二期工程 122000 85600 85600
Second Stage of Land Consolidation of the West of Caofeidian Harbor Basin  
唐山曹妃甸煤炭港务有限公司唐山港曹妃甸港区煤码头二期工程 542890 92695 92695
Second Stage of Coal Dock of Caofeidian Harbor  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司综合服务区土地整理工程 158000 157700 157700 157700
South Consolidation of Comprehensive Service Area, Caofeidian  
唐山曹妃甸港口有限公司唐山港曹妃甸港区通用散货泊位工程 137593 38177 38177
General Cargo Dock of Caofeidian Port  
唐山曹妃甸矿石码头有限公司唐山港曹妃甸港区矿石物流中心项目 270000 117000 117000
Ore Logistics Center of Caofeidian Port  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司钢铁产业区土地整理二期工程 106000 71100 71100
Second Stage of Land Consolidation of Iron and Steel Industrial Area, Caofeidian  
唐山曹妃甸基础设施建设投资有限公司石化产业区市政路网二期工程 101000 80700 80700
Second Stage of Road net of Petrochemical Sub-area,  
 Caofeidian Industrial Zone, Tangshan  
遵化市交通局邦宽线拓宽改建 114122 71000 59027
Reconstruction of Bangjun-Kuancheng Highway,  
 by Zunhua Administration of Transportation  
迁安市殷柳庄城中村改造城中村改造 150000 100300 88700 108700
Reconstruction of Old Village in the Downtown, Yinliuzhuang Village, Qian'an  
迁安市大王庄城中村改造城中村改造 120000 120000 81700 81700
Reconstruction of Old Village in the Downtown, Dawangzhuang Village, Qian'an  
迁安市国土资源局矿山环境恢复治理 116500 29000 25500
Environment Recovery and Controlling of Mining-area, by Qian'an Administration  
  of Land and Resource  
迁安大唐热电有限责任公司热力中心综合利用电厂工程 111666 96095 4892 2987
Power Plant of Comprehensive Utilization Project, Thermal Center,  
 Datang Thermal Power Co., Ltd., Qian'an  
迁安联钢燕山钢铁公司三期扩建板材生产线 240000 268000 165630 165630
Third Stage of Extension of Steel Sheet Production Line,  
 by Qianan Liangang Yanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.  
迁安市燕山钢铁有限公司100万吨钢材及配套工程 200000 79200 66200
Million Ton Steel Production Line and Auxiliary Facilities, Yanshan Iron and Steel  
 Co., Ltd., Qian'an  
迁安轧一钢铁集团有限公司1780宽带及附属工程 600000 153615 108000
1780mm Wide Strip Steel Production Line and Auxiliary facilities,  
 Zhayi Iron and Steel Corp., Ltd., Qian'an  
迁安市九江线材有限公司高炉及配套项目 100000 98500 78000
Shaft Furnace and Auxiliary Facilities of Jiujiang Wire Steel Co., Ltd., Qian'an  
迁安中化煤化工有限责任公司220万吨焦炭生产线 128000 138500 109000 138500
2.2-Million-Ton Coke Production Line, Zhonghua Coal Chemical Co., Ltd., Qian'an  
秦皇岛市六合建设开发项目管理有限公司大小汤河、大小马坊河综合治理工程 167890 33745 25613
Comprehensive Training Project of Datanghe-Xiaotanghe Water System  
 and Damafanghe-Xiaomafanghe Water System, Qinhuangdao  
秦皇岛市西龙道路建设发展有限公司秦皇岛市西部快速路工程 144357 37355 35959
West Expressway of Qinhuangdao  
秦皇岛市支援承秦高速公路建设指挥部承秦高速秦皇岛段 1020000 481030 481030
Qinhuangdao Section of Chengde-Qinhuangdao Expressway  
中铁山桥集团有限公司大跨境桥梁钢结构及重型工程机械制造基地建设项目 230000 19972 19972
Manufacturing Base for Heavy Engineering Machinery and Steel Frame  
 of Long-span Bridge, by China Railway Shanhaiguan Bridge Group Co., Ltd.  
秦皇岛市北戴河火车站片区改造工程指挥部火车站前广场及道路改造 139600 14000 14000
First Stage of Manufacturing Base of Heavy Mining and Metallurgical Equipments,  
 Tangshan Heavy Equipment Corp., Ltd.  
山海关船舶重工有限责任公司山海关船厂东区造船设施综合技术改造项目 276837 231000 24027 9382
Comprehensive Technological Upgrading Project of Shipbuilding Facilities,  
 East  Section of Shanhaiguan Shipyard, Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industrial Co., Ltd.  
山海关船舶重工有限责任公司修船扩建项目 104434 64569 33213
Extension of Repairing Yard, Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industrial Co., Ltd.  
秦皇岛市青龙大巫岚德龙铸业开发有限公司大巫岚循环经济工业园综合项目二期 150000 57000 57000 57000
Second Stage of Comprehensive Project, Dawulan Circular Economy Zone, Qinhuangdao  
秦皇岛市市政建设办公室秦抚快速路工程 277270 21325 21325
Qinhuangdao-Funing Expressway  
秦皇岛南戴河顺驰房地产开发有限公司南戴河国际森林体育俱乐部 389600 47600 44600
Nandaihe International Forest Sports Club, Qinhuangdao  
秦皇岛立顺源投资管理有限公司葡萄岛旅游综合项目 293355 30012 30012
Putaodao Island Comprehensive Tourism Project, Qinhuangdao  
抚宁县人民政府南戴河村委会南戴河村拆迁改造 200000 15300 15300
Remove and Reconstruction of Nandaihe Village, Funing  
秦皇岛抚宁县杜庄德大房地产开发有限公司新建金舍如意山水温泉小镇 485600 7500 7500
Jinshe Ruyi Shanshui Hotpot-town, Funing  
卢龙县卢龙镇人民政府三里庄新民居一期建设工程 231310 14000 14000
First Stage of New Style Residential Area, Sanlizhuang, Lulong Town, Lulong County  
秦皇岛栖云山国际旅游度假有限公司国际旅游度假区项目 810000 50000 50000
Qiyunshan International ResortQinhuangdao  
宏启胜精密电子(秦皇岛)有限公司宏启胜精密电子(秦皇岛)有限公司PCB项目 202079 148164 50843
PCB Projectby Qinhuangdao Hongqisheng Precise electronic Product Co., Ltd.  
邯郸市城投公司文化艺术中心 119956 49630 49630
Handan Culture and Arts Center  
邯郸市复兴杭锅节能工程有限公司余热余压综合利用发电节能项目 138874 140752 139552 140000
Cogeneration Technology Development Project, by Handan Fuxinghangguo  
 Energy-saving Engineering Co., Ltd.   
时代(邯郸)装备机械物流城有限公司时代国际装备机械物流中心 126000 2530 2530
Shidai International Machinery Logistics Center, Handan  
邯郸美的制冷设备有限公司美的集团邯郸年产350万套空调 200000 43500 43500
3.5-Million Air Conditioner Production Line of Handan  
 Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.  
邯郸青苹果新能源电力公司太阳能级硅材料制造项目 257150 1650 1650
Production Line of Solar-grade Polysilicon, by Handan Qingpingguo New Energy Co., Ltd.  
邯郸县代召乡路神公司路神专用车生产线建设 200000 50370 20000
Lushen Special Vehicle Production Line, Daizhao, Handan County  
邯郸新兴国际商贸物流城建设 226000 126834 112834 105834
Xinxing International Trade and Logistics City, Handan  
河北思达实业集团有限公司新建旅居车厢体及全地形车建设项目 136000 46871 26810
Caravan and All-terrain-vehicle Production Line, Sida Industrial Corp., Ltd., Hebei  
成安县友发钢管有限公司年产250万吨高频焊管 118133 22950 22950
Production Line of 25-Million-ton High-frequency Welded Tube,  
 Chengan Youfa Steel Tube Co., Ltd.  
河北再戈再生资源开发有限公司新建再生资源回收利用科研生产基地 459446 31500 31500
R&D and Manufacturing Base for Resource Recycling,  
 by Hebei Zaige Resource Recycling Co., Ltd.  
河北吉晟牧业有限公司肉鸡养殖加工产业一条龙项目 170000 17000 17000 17000
Chicken Raising and Processing Project, by Hebei Jicheng Poultry Co., Ltd.  
邯郸市治富植物制剂有限公司年产5万吨物植农药、2万吨药肥和6万吨纯有机肥 123395 20890 20200
Production Line of 50,000 Ton Plant Pesticide, 20,000 Ton Pesticide-fertilizer,  
 and 60,000 Ton Pure Organic Fertilizer, Zhifu Galenicals Co., Ltd., Handan   
汽贸集团股份有限公司邯郸第二分公司汽车销售装配服务肥乡汽车销售装配服务项目 110000 66520 21622
Feixiang Auto Sales and Assembling Service Project, Second Branch in Handan,  
 Auto Trading Corp., Ltd.  
河北亿隆公司年产5万吨发电机主轴制造项目 105000 105000 47770 47770
50,000 Ton Production Line of Principle Axis of Electrical Generator, Yilong Company  
河北省广平县力尔型材有限公司年产30万吨交通运输领域工业铝型材 222300 29450 29450
300-Thousand-ton Production Line of Aluminium Profile for Transportation Industry,  
 Li'er Aluminium Profile Co., Ltd., Guangping  
邯郸市交通局青兰高速公路邯郸西至涉县段 728971 728971 230971 728971
Handan-Shexian Section of Qingdao-Lanzhou Expressway  
邯郸市交通局定魏线曲周县城北至双井段 121000 121000 113140 113140
North Quzhou-shuangjing Section of Dingzhou-Weiguzhuang Highway  
邯郸市交通局邯沙线邯郸至武安段邯沙线 106600 115934 46000 46000
Handan-Wu'an Section of Handan-Shahe Highway  
邯矿集团文水循环产业链邯矿文水循环产业链 614159 159143 45423 3862
Wenshui Circular Industrial Chain, Handan Mining Corp. Ltd., Jizhong Energy Group   
峰峰集团锡盟能源化工开发办事处锡盟煤电化一体化项目 459979 89639 35688
Xilinguole Coal-Electricity IntegrationXilinguole Energy Exploiture Agency,  
 Fengfeng Group  
峰煤焦化公司160万吨焦炉及20万吨煤气制甲醇峰煤焦化公司煤化工二期 274466 151376 151376 151376
Second Stage of Production Line of 1.6-million-ton Coke Oven  
 and 0.2-million-ton Gas-based Methanol  
邯郸钢铁集团结构优化升级结构优化升级 1937000 2403381 366392 114082
Structural Optimization and Upgrading Project of Handan Iron and Steel Corporation  
河北马头发电有限公司上大压小供热工程 250364 223793 29956 14043
Extension Project of Heat Supply, Matou Power Co., Ltd., Hebei  
邯郸市建设局城投公司基础设施建设 566536 246358 130002
Infrastructure Project, by Urban Investment Company, Handan Administration  
 of Urban-Rural Development  
武安市南洺河铁矿有限公司基建工程及配套工程 200000 100000 100000
Infrastructure And Auxiliary Project for Nanminghe Iron Ore  Co., Ltd., Wu'an  
大唐武安发电有限公司煤矸石电厂新建工程 321357 66214 66214
Coal Gangue Power Plant, by Datang Wu'an Company of Datang Wu'an Power Co., Ltd.  
武安市宝烨年产90万吨捣固焦炉项目 125766 97300 50000
900,000 Ton Stamp-charging Coke Oven of Baoye Coking Industrial Company  
邢台市交通运输局七里河综合治理 729000 411700 169234
Comprehensive Training of Qilihe River, Xingtai  
中钢集团邢台机械轧辊有限公司冷轧辊生产线 230000 162796 5528
Cold Roll Production of Sinosteel Xingtai Machinery & Mill Roll Co., Ltd.  
冀中能源股份有限公司金牛股份 157096 151749 75164 75164
Jinniu Co. Ltd., Jizhong Energy Co. Ltd.   
河北庆丰光能科技股份有限公司新建年产300兆瓦非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池项目 170688 41735 41735
300-MW Production Line of Amorphous Silicon Film Solar Battery,  
 Hebei Qingfeng Luminous Energy Tech Co., Ltd.  
河北金后盾汽车公司汽车零配件及方舱项目 225000 11600 11600
Production Line of Auto Components and Shelter Cart, by Hebei Jinhoudun Auto Co., Ltd.  
河北六合春蕾农牧有限公司生猪养殖加工综合项目 158000 7000 7000 2500
Pig Raising and Processing Project, Hebei Liuhe chunlei Farming and Husbandry Co., Ltd.   
中煤旭阳公司200万吨煤化工项目 250000 247933 48500
2-Million-Ton Coal Chemical Project, China Risun Coal Chemicals Group   
德龙钢铁有限公司技术改造项目 124000 124000 17900 17900
Technological Upgrading Project of Delong Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Xingtai  
今麦郎食品有限公司建设方便面非碳酸饮料生产线 102336 102336 46036 102336
Production Line of Instant Noodles and Non-carbonated Soft Drinks,  
 Jinmailang Food Co., Ltd.  
河北迎新玻璃集团有限公司320MW薄膜太阳能电池及基片玻璃生产线 467798 14900 14900 14900
320-MW Production Line of Film Solar Battery and Substrate Glass,  
 Hebei Yingxin Glass Corporation Ltd.  
沙河市安全实业有限公司超白光电玻璃生产线及多功能深加工基地 154000 106316 65511 16009
Project of Ultra-white Photoelectric Glass Production Line and Multifunctional  
  Intensive Processing Base, Shahe Anquan Industrial Co., Ltd.  
沙河市德金玻璃有限公司4x800t/d超白及在线Low-E镀膜浮法玻璃生产线 139754 65683 54783
4×800-Ton Production Line of Ultra-white and On-line Low-E Coated   
  Float Glass, Dejin Glass Co., Ltd., Shahe  
沙河市长城玻璃有限公司4x700t/d超白及在线Low-E镀膜浮法玻璃生产 131580 92308 92308 16900
4×700-Ton Production Line of Ultra-white and On-line Low-E Coated   
  Float Glass, Dejin Glass Co., Ltd., Shahe  
万隆陶瓷有限公司建筑陶瓷生产线 100000 89994 55594 9950
Architectural Ceramics Production Line, Wanlong Ceramics Co., Ltd., Xingtai  
邢台金丰矿业有限公司年产10万吨大功率风电设备配件 150000 63850 3350 3350
100,000 Ton Production Line of Component of Large Wind Power Equipments,  
河北建投沙河发电有限责任公司沙河电厂2x600MW级空冷机组工程 474161 152795 152795 346
2×600 MW Air Cooling Unit Production Line, by Shahe Power Plant  
 of Hebei Construction & Investment Group Co., Ltd.  
邯郸钢铁集团沙河市中关矿业有限公司中关铁矿建设项目前期(帷幕注浆) 112406 85881 24381
Early-stage of Zhongguan Iron Ore Mining Project,  
 Shahe Zhongguan Mining Co., Ltd., Handan Iron and Steel Group  
保定市交通局张石高速公路 1901217 1493391 300000 300000
Baoding Section of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway  
保定市交通局保阜高速公路 1146703 919849 143695 143695
Baoding Section of Baoding-Fuping Expressway  
保定市天鹅股份有限公司年产3万吨溶剂法纤维素纤维项目 138405 30000 30000
30-thousand-ton Production Line of Solvent-method Cellulose Fibre,  
 Baoding Swan Co., Ltd.  
保定市北市区韩庄乡韩庄村村民委员会韩庄村城中村改造 154275 40280 40280
Reconstruction of Old Village Project, Hanzhuang Village, Hanzhuang  
 Beishiqu District, Baoding  
河北荣毅通信有限公司半导体照明产业化项目 120000 34000 12000
Industrialization of Solid-state Lighting, Rongyi Communication Co., Ltd.  
保定市南市区裕华路办事处府河市场拆迁 670000 211000 86000
Removal Project of Fuhe Market, Baoding  
长城汽车股份有限公司长城汽车研发中心 125993 31910 31910
R&D Center of GreatWall Auto Co., Ltd.  
大唐清苑热电有限公司大唐清苑热电工程 280663 78917 78917
Qingyuan Thermal Power Plant, by Datang Qingyuan Thermal Power Co., Ltd.  
河北翔海房地产开发有限公司兴华商务园 125201 50448 50448
Xinghua Business District, by Hebei Xianghai Real Estate Co., Ltd.  
保定北雄房地产开发有限公司滨河商务区项目 123520 4050 4050
Binhe Business District, by Baoding Beixiong Real Estate Co., Ltd.  
航天三院涞水科技研发基地818工程 300000 219510 80860
818 Project of Laishui Science and Technology R&D Base,  
 Third Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation  
河北顺天电极有限公司京南物流园区项目 119367 4100 4100
Jingnan Logistics Park, by Hebei Shuntian Electrode Co., Ltd.  
巨力集团有限公司年产200MW晶体硅太阳能电池组件项目 136500 33000 33000
Production Line of 200 MW Crystalline Silicon Solar battery, Juli Corporation Ltd.  
河北保定东方造纸有限公司年产30万吨高强瓦楞芯纸和10万吨高档双胶纸扩建项目 172196 21000 21000
300-Thousand-ton Production Line of High-strength Corrugating Medium Paper  
 and 100-thousand-ton Production Line of High-end Wood-free Printed Paper,  
  Baoding Dongfang Paper Industry Co., Ltd.   
中国中纺集团公司保定中纺依棉精品纺织服装 103708 42000 7000
Textile and Refined Clothing Production Line, Baoding Yimian Textile Co., Ltd.,  
 Chinatex Corporation  
长城汽车股份有限公司实验中心项目 122702 56000 56000
Experiment Center of GreatWall Auto Co., Ltd.  
易县京兰水泥集团有限公司水泥生产项目 110000 50000 40000
Cement Production Line of Jinglan Cement Corp., Ltd., Yixian County  
水利局北易水综合治理暨滨河新区开发项目 190000 59720 50000
Binhexinqu Development Subproject of Comprehensive Training of Yishui River  
易县三利生态旅游开发有限公司易县易水湖长寿老年康体中心项目 112804 1610 1610
Yishihu Fitness Center for EldersYixian County  
保定中泰新能源有限公司多晶硅太阳能电池产业链项目 387800 15800 15800
Production Line of Polysilicon Solar Battery, by Baoding Zhongtai New Energy Co., Ltd.  
保定永鑫肠衣有限公司中国国际肠衣交易中心 101312 62934 29934
International Trading Center of Sausage Casting, Yongxin Sausage Casting Co., Ltd., Baoding  
保定天威薄膜光伏有限公司非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池 119100 117233 2062 117233
Production Line of Amorphous Silicon Film Solar Battery,  
 Tianwei Film  Photovoltaic Co., Ltd., Baoding   
英利能源(中国)有限公司增资建设年产300兆瓦单晶硅太阳能电池项目 200148 105614 105614
Extending Project of 300 MW Production Line of Monosilicon Solar Battery,  
 Yingli Energy (China) Co., Ltd.  
英利能源(中国)有限公司年产300兆瓦单晶硅太阳能电池项目 261324 261358 261358 261358
300 MW Production Line of Monosilicon Solar Battery, Yingli Energy (China) Co., Ltd.  
中国乐凯胶片集团公司乐凯集团新材料产业园项目 120000 30000 30000
Neo-materials Industry Zone of Lekai Group Co., Ltd.  
隆基泰和实业有限公司国际运动休闲健康港 130000 31600 18150
International Sports and Recreation Center, Longjitaihe Industrial Co., Ltd., Baoding  
高碑店市丰合元商贸有限公司北方商贸城 120000 98155 54855
Beifang Shangmaocheng Trading Center, Fengheyuan Trading Co., Ltd., Gaobeidian  
保定百利源城市建设投资有限公司白沟仁合庄等九个村街新民居联建项目 145000 12050 12050
New Style Residential Areas for Nine Villages of Baigou Town,  
 by Baoding Bailiyuan Urban Construction and Investment Co., Ltd.  
汇通路桥建设集团泰阁新型建材销售有限公司白沟泰阁新型建材城 119705 8025 8025
Taige Neo-Building Materials CityBaigou  
隆基泰和实业有限公司白沟精品家居广场项目 180000 8050 8050
Baigou High-end Furniture Plaza, Longjitaihe Industry Co., Ltd.  
中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司基本建设 315000 303244 136000 303244
Infrastructure Project of Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting,  
  China National Petroleum Corporation  
中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司科技园区高性能计算中心一期 136800 14000 14000
First Stage of High Performance Computer Center of Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting,  
  China National Petroleum Corporation  
河北国华电厂定洲发电有限公司扩建二期 429292 389078 13156 13156
Second Stage of Extension Project of Guohua Dingzhou Power Co., Ltd., Hebei  
河北燕赵市场建设有限公司河北省建材市场扩建 115000 111000 20000
Extension Project of Hebei Building Material Market,  
 Yanzhao Market Development Co., Ltd., Hebei  
隆基泰和实业有限公司国际靓丽绿色家居建材城 120406 13530 13530
Liangli International Center for Eco-friendly Furniture and Building Materials,  
 by Longjitaihe Industry Co., Ltd.   
河北奥润顺达窗业有限公司年产260万平方米新型节能门窗项目 115648 77775 57775
2.6-Million-m2 Production Line of Neo-type Energy-saving Doors and Windows,  
 Aorun Shunda Windows Co., Ltd., Hebei  
光为绿色新能源有限公司年产300MW多晶硅太阳能电池项目 216423 54298 54298
300MW Production Line of Polysilicon Solar Battery, Guangwei Green Energy Co., Ltd.  
汇通路桥建设集团有限公司汇通国际皮革制品产业城项目 181505 1120 1120
Huitong International Leather Industry Cityby Huitong Road And Bridge  
 Construction Corporation Ltd.  
高碑店市军隆房地产开发有限责任公司年产5000万台()电磁绕组器件项目 110000 6600 6600
50-Million-set Production Line of Magnet Winding Devices,  
 by Gaobeidian Junlong Real Estate Co., Ltd.  
河北永昌房地产开发有限公司桥东区永昌维多利亚广场建设项目 300000 31007 31007
Yongchang Victoria Plaza Qiaodong District Zhangjiakou  
河北建投宣化热电有限责任公司热电厂2×300MW级燃煤供热机组建设 295000 263303 52579
Daul-300-MW Coal-fired Heat Supply System, Xuanhua Thermal Power Plant  
香河县汇鑫房地产开发有限公司宣化分公司汇鑫家居综合商城A座建设项目 105044 16000 9000
A Block of Huixin Comprehensive Trading Center for Home Furnishing Materials, Xuanhua  
下花园区水利抗旱物资服务中心下花园洋河河谷综合治理开发工程 105357 15800 15800
Comprehensive Training Project of Yanghe River Valley, Xiahuayuan  
庞大汽贸集团股份有限公司宣化县庞大汽贸西北部基地项目 100342 15100 15100
Northwest Base of Pangda Auto Trading Co., Ltd., Xuanhua  
河北盛华化工有限公司宣化县40万吨/年烧碱等项目一期工程 178385 18100 18100
First Stage of Production Line of Caustic Soda,  
 by Hebei Shenghua Chemical Co., Ltd., Xuanhua  
张北县国家风光储输示范工程大河光伏储能电站 230565 510 510
Dahe Photovoltaic power Station, Zhangbei  
张北华田投资有限公司仙那都国际生态度假村 100818 35772 3932
Xiannadu International Eco-friendly Holiday Village, Zhangbei  
山东鲁吉王曲发电有限责任公司康保分电公司屯垦鲁吉王曲10万千瓦风电工程项目 101700 121044 58775 58775
Kangbao 100,000-KW Wind Power Generation Project,  
  Shandong Luji Wangqu Power Co., Ltd.   
康保县国投张家口风能有限公司康保县牧场10万千瓦时风电工程 101380 115381 36390 36390
100,000-KW Wind Power Generation Project in Kangbao Pasture,  
  by Zhangjiakou Wind Power Co., Ltd.  
沽源县东辛营建投能源20万千瓦风场项目 195337 191620 132392 191620
200,000-KW Wind Power Generation Project, Dongxinying, Guyuan  
蔚县蔚州矿业有限责任公司北阳庄矿井筹建处北阳庄矿井筹建 148992 113057 56569
Early-stage of Beiyangzhuang Mine, Beiyangzhuang, Yuxian County  
万全西山产业集聚区后勤保障设施项目 250000 150488 50488
Daily Service Area of Xishan Industrial Zone, Wangquan  
万全县西山产业集聚区基础设施项目建设 152000 142148 58502
Infrastructure Project of Xishan Industrial Zone, Wangquan  
张家口煤矿机械有限公司责任公司万全西山煤机装备产业园建设项目 236224 34595 33714
Xishan Coal Mining Machinery Industrial Zone, Wangquan  
怀来县京能科技有限公司官厅风电场二期工程 105000 105000 58000 58000
Second-stage of Guanting Wind Power Generation Project,  
 Jingneng Science  and Technology Co., Ltd.  
张家口市交通局北环高速公路及高速公路连接线 466236 11000 11000
North Circle Expressway and Approach Roadby Zhangjiakou Administration of Traffic  
张家口市交通局宣左一级收费公路 132000 62500 62500
Xuanhua-Zuowei First Class Highway  
张家口市交通局洋河滨河路工程 240000 80006 80006
Binhe-coast Highwayby Zhangjiakou Administration of Traffic  
张家口市交通局张市洋河综合治理工程 398463 60001 60001
Comprehensive Training Project of Yanghe River  
张家口市交通局张石高速三期三号地至张北段工程 227386 133095 133095
Sanhaodi-Zhangbei Section of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway  
张家口市交通局张石高速化稍营至蔚县段 465000 465145 25706 465145
Huashaoying-Yuxian Section of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway  
张家口市交通局京化高速公路二期土木至胶泥湾 580778 471323 240162
Tumu-Jiaoniwan Section of Second Stage of Beijing-Huashaoying Expressway  
张家口市交通局张涿高速单家堡至保定界 899350 446857 347801
Shanjiabao-Baoding Section of Zhangjiakou-Zhuozhou Expressway  
中广核集团察北白塔管理处中广核10万千瓦风电项目 100000 105617 6967 4650
100,000-KW Wind Power Generation Project in Baita, Chabei, Zhangjiakou,  
 by China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Corporation  
高新技术产业开发区建设局高新区城市基础设施建设 310870 205696 49913
Infrastructure Project of High and New Technology Industrialization  and Development Zone  
大唐国际发电股份有限公司高新区张家口热电厂项目 300000 267576 85797
Zhangjiakou Thermal Power Project, Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd.  
承德交通局承唐高速公路 625956 672236 155936 155936
Chengde Section of Chengde-Tangshan Expressway  
承德交通局承朝高速公路 551131 690631 306681 306681
Chengde Section of Chende-Chaoyang Expressway  
承德市交通局承秦高速公路 878951 497880 395898
Chengde Section of Chengde-Qinhuangdao Expressway  
承德市棚户区改建工作指挥部承德市城市棚户区改造工程 159336 125108 38458 44230
Reconstruction of Shanty Town, Chengde  
承德市滨河新城起步区基础设施工程筹建处新建滨河新城起步区防洪及水环境工程 220000 58960 30750
Project of Flood Control and Water System Training, Binhexincheng, Chengde  
河北钢铁集团承钢公司承钢老厂区改造 313617 460482 460482 500482
Reconstruction of Old Factories, Chengde Iron and Steel Company,   
Hebei Iron and Steel Group  
中国国电集团公司国电滦河发电厂上大压小热电联产扩建项目 150141 50000 50000
Upgrading Project of heat and power cogeneration, Luanhe Power Plant,  
 China Guodian Corporation  
承德鼎盛文化产业投资有限公司鼎盛文化产业园 120000 18314 18314
Dingsheng Culture Industry Park, Chengde  
承德隆和房地产开发有限公司垄基泰和国际广场 240000 99637 59837
Longjitaihe International Plaza, Chengde  
承德避暑文化产业园区有限公司承德避暑文化产业园区 150000 18000 18000
Chengde Culture Industry Park of Summer Resort  
河北铸合集团兴隆县矿业有限公司年产300万吨长石粉项目 150000 14550 14550
3-million-ton Production Line of feldspar powder, by Xinglong Mining Co., Ltd.,  
 Hebei Zhuhe Group  
兴隆县北大青鸟无线互联投资有限公司兴隆县3G产业研发中心项目 183361 16000 16000
Xinglong 3G Industrial R&D Center  
兴隆县江南投资开发有限公司将军国际健康城一期工程 360000 51000 51000
Jiangjun International Resort, Xinglong  
平泉县建设局平泉县北城新区综合开发项目 180000 21000 21000
Beicheng Xinqu Comprehensive Development Project, Pingquan  
隆化县丽水环保工程有限公司尾矿沙综合治理 580000 79951 15895
Integrated Utilization of Mine Tails, Lishui Co. Ltd.  
 of Environment Protection Works,  Longhua  
大唐国际开发有限公司蓝丰地方铁路项目 225904 202500 61500
Zhenglanqi-fengning Local Railway, by Datang International Development Co., Ltd.  
丰宁县地方铁路筹建处虎丰地方铁路二期项目 101212 97600 2100
Second Stage of Hushiha-Fengning Local Railway, Fengning Local Railway Agency   
遵小地方铁路有限责任公司修铁路 100000 65700 14000
Zunhua-Xiaosigou Local Railway, Zunxiao Local Railway Co., Ltd.  
河北建投新能源有限公司御道口风能分公司承德围场御道口牧场150MW风电场建设项目 150000 150000 115000 115000
150-MW Wind Power Generation Project, Yudaokou Pasture, Weichang, Chengde  
承德高新区新东开发中心高新区上板城基础设施建设项目 150000 68503 68503
Infrastructure Project of Shangbancheng, New and High Tech Development Zone, Chengde  
沧州中铁装备制造材料有限公司20万吨/年焦炉气制甲醇 130770 130770 13869 130770
200,000 Ton Production Line of Methanol by Coke Oven Gasification,  
 Cangzhou Zhongtie Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.   
沧州渤海港务有限公司黄骅港综合港区5万吨级航道工程 284325 228117 57941
50-thousand-ton Channel of Comprehensive Area of Huanghua Port  
沧州渤海港务有限公司黄骅港综合港区防波堤工程 267535 191771 4649
Breakwater of Comprehensive Area of Huanghua Port  
沧州中铁装备制造材料有限公司1780mm热连轧生产线 350000 350000 158521 350000
1780-mm Hot-continuous-rolling Production Line, Cangzhou   
Zhongtie Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.  
沧州渤海港务有限公司黄骅港综合港区通用散杂货码头工程 128445 69181 20630
General Cargo Dock of Comprehensive Area, Huanghua Port  
沧州中铁装备制造材料有限公司原料厂工程 140234 140234 10305 140234
Material Plant of Cangzhou Zhongtie Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.  
河北渤海投资有限公司综合港区后方区域吹填造陆工程 222158 47200 47200
Polder Project of Rear Comprehensive Area of Huanghua Port  
沧州渤海港务有限公司黄骅港综合港区10万吨级航道工程 124473 38015 38015
100-thousand-ton Channel of Comprehensive Area of Huanghua Port  
沧州渤海港务有限公司黄骅港综合港区多用途码头工程 338410 83063 83063
Multi-functional Dock of  Comprehensive Area of Huanghua Port  
神华黄骅港务有限责任公司黄骅港三期工程 439211 47594 47594
Third Stage of Huanghua Port, by Shenhua Huanghua Port Co., Ltd.  
河北国华沧东发电有限责任公司黄骅发电厂二期工程 441898 395099 484 395099
Second Stage of Huanghua Power Plant, Guohua Cangdong Power Co., Ltd., Hebei  
中钢集团滨海实业有限公司年产8万吨镍铁项目 128311 132154 54636
80,000 Ton Production Line of Ferronickel, Binhai Industrial Co., Ltd., Sinosteel Corporation  
河北渤海投资有限公司渤海新区土地整理项目 243240 208431 82011
Land Consolidation Project of Bohai Xinqu District  
达利普特型装备制造有限公司沧州渤海新区特型铸锻项目 106000 97900 58673
Casting and Forging Production Line of Special Shaped Products,  
 Dalipute Special Equipment Co., Ltd., Bohaixinqiu District, Cangzhou  
沧州渤海港务有限公司黄骅港综合港区通用散货码头起步工程 183557 100382 22503
Zero Stage of General Cargo Dock of Comprehensive Area of Huanghua Port  
沧州市南大港聚朋湿地旅游开发有限公司南大港湿地生态旅游开发项目 236200 6642 6642
Eco-friendly Tourism Project of Nandagang Wetland, Cangzhou  
河北鑫泉焦化有限公司二期扩改项目 164000 125270 58970
Extension and Upgrading Project of Xinquan Coking Co., Ltd., Hebei  
沧州名人高尔夫五星级温泉度假酒店及商务会馆 110000 100500 80500
Mingren Golf Five-star Hotpot Holiday Hotel and Business Guild Hall, Cangzhou  
沧州渤海新区城市建投有限公司黄骅新城起步区综合服务区AB区基础设施项目 135400 25000 25000
Infrastructure Project of Block A and Block B, Comprehensive Service Zone  
 of Starting Area of Huanghuaxincheng, Bohaixinqu District, Huanghua  
河北金牛化工股份有限公司续建40万吨/PVC树脂及配套工程 194400 7000 7000
Continued Project of 400-thousand-ton PVC Production Line and Auxiliary Project,  
 Hebei Jinniu Chemical Co., Ltd.  
沧州大化股份有限公司扩建年产10万吨甲苯二异氰硝酸(TDI) 197043 53853 53853
Extension Project of 100-thousand-ton Production Line of TDI,  
 Cangzhou Dahua Corp., Ltd., Hebei   
河北长丰钢管制造集团有限公司风力发电设备生产项目 132000 88850 8600
Production Line of Wind Power Equipment, Changfeng Steel Tube Co., Ltd., Hebei  
河北鑫源泰钢管集团有限公司大口径螺旋埋弧焊钢管生产线项目 100871 41910 38410
Production Line of Heavycalibre Submerged Arc Welding Pipe,  
 Xinyuantai Steel Pipe Corp., Ltd., Hebei  
河北亚美佳机电设备有限公司汽车配件系统装置加工生产线项目 102000 500 500
Production line of Auto Components, by Hebei Yamei Electromechanical Device Co., Ltd.  
沧州市鑫宜达钢管集团股份有限公司X100高钢级埋弧焊螺旋钢管及UOE直缝焊管 108520 5850 5850
Production Line of Z100 High grade Submerged Arc Welding Pipe and UOE Pipe,  
 Cangzhou Xinyida Steel Tube Corporation Group  
小洋人生物乳业集团有限公司小洋人工业新城项目 140000 26000 26000
Cangzhou Xiaoyangren Industry Zoneby Xiaoyangren Biological Daily Group Co., Ltd.  
河北中原钢管制造有限公司大口径直缝双面埋弧焊管改造 140000 33500 33500
Upgrading Project of Double-sided Heavycalibre Submerged Arc Welding Pipe,  
 Hebei Zhongyuan Steel Tube Co., Ltd.  
沧州市交通局沿海高速公路沧州段 527046 380000 209200
Cangzhou Section of Coastal Expressway  
沧州市交通局廊沧高速公路沧州段 399352 381400 130550
Cangzhou Section of Langfang-Cangzhou Expressway  
任丘市方圆城市房地产开发有限公司任丘市盛世通合生态旅游度假村 222334 8261 8261
Shengshi Tonghe Eco-friendly Tourism Village, Renqiu  
河北建投任丘热电有限责任公司任丘热电2x350MW超临界供热机组建设工程 320000 65843 65843
2×350MW Supercritical Heating Supply Unit, by Renqiu   
Thermal Power Co., Ltd.  
任丘市永基光电太阳能有限公司年产600MW铜铟镓硒薄膜太阳能模块一期 200000 8000 8000
600MW Production Line of CIGS Film Solar Battery  
 Renqiu yongji Photoelectric Solar Energy Co., Ltd.  
黄骅市交通局渤海新区黄骅新城道路起步工程 261700 237634 155022
Zero-Stage of Road Construction, Huanghuaxincheng, Bohaixinqu District, Huanghua  
廊坊市交通局廊沧高速公路廊坊段 717398 461159 194575
Langfang Section of Langfang-Cangzhou Expressway  
廊坊市交通局密涿支线高速公路 225000 128436 128436
Miyun-zhuozhou Branch of G102 Expressway  
廊坊市城市建设投资有限公司周各庄拆迁项目 275653 82000 76000
Removal and Reconstruction Project of Zhougezhuang, Langfang  
固安县固安镇人民政府东关村改造项目 100000 2400 2400
Reconstruction of Old Village, Dongguan Village, Gu'an  
固安县固安镇人民政府大龙堂村城中村改造项目 100000 8000 8000 20000
Reconstruction of Old Village, Dalongtang Village, Gu'an  
香河中商农产品交易中心有限公司新建中国(香河) 312853 38000 38000
First Stage of Xianghe International Trading Center of Agriculture Products  
香河中商农产品交易中心有限公司新建中国(香河)国际农产品交易中心B 208570 27000 27000
B Area (Flower Trading Center) of  Xianghe International Trading Center  
 of Agriculture Products  
香河中商农产品交易中心有限公司新建中国(香河)国际农产品交易中心C 105000 22000 22000
C Area (Wine Set Trading Center) of  Xianghe International Trading Center  
 of Agriculture Products  
上海绿地集团香河投资开发有限公司新建华北国际食品博览交易中心项目 190492 16000 16000
NorthChina International Food Exposition and Trading Center, Xianghe  
文安东都再生资源环保产业基地管理有限公司建造再生资源车间及购买设备 135000 67949 11859
Equipment Purchasing for Resource Recycling Workshop, Dongda Management   115000
 Company of Resource Recycling and Environment Protection Base   
胜芳国际家具博览有限公司家具博览城建设 115000 115000 46500
Furniture Exposition City, by Shengfang International Furniture Exposition Co., Ltd.  
霸州市新冠金属制品有限公司年产100万吨无缝钢管项目 100000 30000 30000
Million-ton Production Line of Seamless-steel Tube, by Bazhou Xinguan Metal Co., Ltd.  
胜芳镇政府胜芳古镇恢复工程 100000 88300 37300
Reconversion Project of Shengfang Ancient Town, Shengfang, Langfang  
中国电力科学研究院实验基地项目 108000 73000 50000
Experimental Base of China Electric Power Research Institute  
河北华气天然气有限公司霸州康仙庄LNG项目 120516 1500 1500
Kangxianzhuang LNG Project, Bazhou  
河北京通物流开发有限公司胜芳国际物流中心 134053 41000 21000
Shengfang International Logistics Center, Jingtong Logistics  Development Co., Ltd., Hebei  
三河市交通局密涿支线102高速公路 225000 124775 64224
Sanhe Section of G102 Expressway   
三河天久实业科技有限公司高性能复合材料生产项目 180000 9112 9112
Production Line of High-performance Composite Materials,  
 by Sanhe Tianjiu Industry Co., Ltd.  
三河市燕郊空港物流有限公司中航集团物流中心项目 179939 47720 28768
Logistics Center of China Aviation Holding Company,  
 by Yanjiao  Airport Logistics Co., Ltd., Sanhe  
河北兴远有色金属材料有限公司年产1万吨钛材项目 110000 15000 15000
10-thousand-ton Production Line of  Titanium Products,  
 Hebei Xingyuan Non-ferrous Metal Co., Ltd.  
河北三河燕达实业集团有限公司中法燕达医院 100000 100000 40000
China-France Yanda Hospital, Yanda Industrial Corp,. Ltd., Sanhe  
成功(中国)大广场有限公司成功中国大广场休闲娱乐中心 278177 26493 6251
Recreation Center of Chenggong Grand Plaza  
三河中兴发展有限公司中兴北方产业基地 165000 135000 45000
Zhongxing Beifang Industrial Base, Sanhe  
衡水格林铸鑫科技有限公司铸件精加工 105030 49850 43850
Production Line of Finish Machining of Castings,  
 Hengshui Gelin Zhuxin Technology Co., Ltd.  
武强县人民政府农业开发办公室北大洼十万亩生态示范基地 112860 4377 2318
100,000-mu Experimental Eco-friendly Agricultural Base, Beidawa, Wuqiang  
河北海伟交通设施集团有限公司新上项目 480000 258134 258134
New Project of Hebei Haiwei Transportation Facilities Co., Ltd.  
河北省高速公路管理局廊涿(廊坊至涿州)高速公路 339603 339603 6589 339603
Langfang-Zhuozhou Expressway  
河北省高速公路管理局(集团)大广公路固安(京冀界)到深州段高速公路 1004705 968882 408835
Gu'an-Shenzhou Section of Daqing-Guangzhou Expressway  
河北省高速公路管理局(集团)大广公路深州至大名段高速公路 1138658 935059 463243 463243
Shenzhou-Daming Section of Daqing-Guanzhou Expressway  
邯黄铁路有限责任公司新建邯郸(邢台)至黄骅港铁路项目 1649500 110000 110000
Handan-Xingtai-Huanghua Railway  
蒙冀铁路有限责任公司新建张家口至唐山铁路 3692900 17292 17292
Zhangjiakou-Tangshan Railway  
华北电力集团河北北部送变电 2469327 1740903 598310 598310
Electricity Transportation and Transformation in North Hebei,  
 by NorthChina Electricity Group  
河北省移动通信有限公司移动通信工程 262708 262708 262708 262708
Mobile Communication Project, by Hebei Company  
 of China Mobile Communications Corporation Ltd.  
河北省电力公司河北省南网送变电 2415931 2147711 353028 82445
Electricity Transportation and Transformation in South Hebei,  by Hebei Electricity Company