分细行业在岗职工平均工资 (2010年) |
Average Wage
of Staff and Workers by Sector in Detail (2010) |
单位:元 |
(yuan) |
目 |
Item |
在岗职工 |
平均工资 |
国有单位 |
城镇集体 |
其他单位 |
Average |
State- |
Urban |
Units of |
Wage of |
owned |
Collective- |
Other |
Staff and |
Units |
owned |
Types of |
Workers |
Units |
Ownership |
全 省
总 计 |
Total |
32306 |
32830 |
22220 |
32916 |
按企业、事业、机关分 |
Grouped by
Enterprises, Institutions |
and Agencies |
业 |
Enterprises |
32968 |
35323 |
22528 |
32924 |
业 |
Institutions |
31704 |
31904 |
18848 |
28945 |
关 |
Agencies & Organizations |
30940 |
30942 |
28562 |
按国民经济行业分 |
Grouped by Sector |
农、林、牧、渔业 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal
Husbandry |
12432 |
12344 |
14038 |
14862 |
and Fishery |
农 业 |
Farming |
7706 |
7617 |
24286 |
13530 |
林 业 |
Forestry |
20105 |
20192 |
8040 |
1583 |
畜 牧 业 |
Animal Husbandry |
10798 |
10593 |
16538 |
21400 |
渔 业 |
Fishery |
21600 |
25187 |
8995 |
农、林、牧、渔服务业 |
Services in Support of
Agriculture |
22450 |
23565 |
14066 |
21659 |
矿 业 |
Mining |
49729 |
47465 |
27993 |
52167 |
煤炭开采和洗选业 |
Mining and Washing of
Coal |
51049 |
46432 |
28647 |
54721 |
石油和天然气开采业 |
Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas |
67438 |
64323 |
75038 |
黑色金属矿采选业 |
Mining of Ferrous Metal Ores |
40408 |
50433 |
19000 |
31516 |
有色金属矿采选业 |
Mining of Non-ferrous Metal Ores |
22893 |
20946 |
24208 |
非金属矿采选业 |
Mining and Processing of
Nonmetal Ores |
28314 |
30650 |
16062 |
造 业 |
Manufacturing |
27831 |
31221 |
16930 |
27575 |
农副食品加工业 |
Processing of Food from
Agricultural |
18883 |
12926 |
13725 |
19943 |
Products |
食品制造业 |
Manufacture of Foods |
24574 |
12647 |
12423 |
26748 |
饮料制造业 |
Manufacture of Beverage |
19979 |
21512 |
12500 |
19805 |
烟草制品业 |
Manufacture of Tobacco |
73250 |
76177 |
31965 |
纺织业 |
Manufacture of Textile |
14384 |
14652 |
11258 |
14494 |
纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业 |
Manufacture of Textile Wearing Apparel, |
16286 |
20289 |
11187 |
15893 |
Footware, and
Caps |
皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒) |
Manufacture of Leather,
Fur, Feather |
18691 |
18713 |
9378 |
19279 |
及其制品业 |
and Its
Products |
木材加工及木、竹、藤、 |
Processing of Timbers, Manufacture of Wood, |
20608 |
16933 |
11933 |
21004 |
棕、草制品业 |
Rattan, Palm, and Straw Products |
家具制造业 |
Manufacture of Furniture |
16235 |
22841 |
15198 |
15906 |
造纸及纸制品业 |
Manufacture of Paper and Paper Products |
24684 |
41676 |
13938 |
18694 |
印刷业和记录媒介的复制 |
Printing, Reproduction of Recording Media |
25031 |
29522 |
16444 |
22598 |
文教体育用品制造业 |
Manufacture of Articles for Culture, Education |
16061 |
18171 |
13409 |
16265 |
and Sport
Activities |
石油加工、炼焦及核燃料 |
Processing of Petroleum, Coking, Processing |
37160 |
49322 |
33073 |
33194 |
加工业 |
of Nuclear
Fuel |
化学原料及化学制品制造业 |
Manufacture of Chemical Raw Material and |
22389 |
26647 |
15454 |
19895 |
Products |
医药制造业 |
Manufacture of Medicines |
27765 |
32064 |
16463 |
25911 |
化学纤维制造业 |
Manufacture of Chemical Fiber |
14732 |
15916 |
9612 |
橡胶制品业 |
Manufacture of Rubber |
14567 |
11632 |
12264 |
15244 |
塑料制品业 |
Manufacture of Plastic |
21649 |
22506 |
12458 |
22392 |
非金属矿物制品业 |
Manufacture of Nonmetallic Mineral Products |
22587 |
19880 |
13892 |
23768 |
黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 |
Manufacture and Processing of Ferrous Metals |
42656 |
48339 |
21902 |
42492 |
有色金属冶炼及压延加工业 |
Manufacture &
Processing of |
20739 |
17414 |
18653 |
21152 |
Metals |
金属制品业 |
Manufacture of Metal Products |
22436 |
26057 |
18407 |
22584 |
通用设备制造业 |
Manufacture of General Purpose Machinery |
22810 |
20751 |
14808 |
26146 |
专用设备制造业 |
Manufacture of Special Purpose Machinery |
30692 |
30563 |
21580 |
31497 |
交通运输设备制造业 |
Manufacture of Transport Equipment |
31258 |
38466 |
20810 |
28733 |
电气机械及器材制造业 |
Manufacture of Electrical
Machinery |
29855 |
37872 |
19655 |
29292 |
and Equipment |
通信设备计算机及其他 |
Manufacture of Communication Equipment, |
25022 |
17755 |
14739 |
25322 |
电子设备制造 |
Computer and Other Electronic Equipment |
仪器仪表及文化、办公用 |
Manufacture of Measuring Instrument and |
22696 |
15197 |
13976 |
24332 |
机械制造业 |
Machinery for Cultural Activity & Office Work |
工艺品及其他制造业 |
Manufacture of Artwork, Other Manufacture |
20243 |
9617 |
8078 |
21172 |
废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业 |
Recycling and Disposal of Waste |
27189 |
5519 |
27859 |
电力、燃气及水的生产 |
and Distribution of Electricity, |
50546 |
48938 |
26317 |
57201 |
和供应业 |
Gas and Water |
电力、热力的生产和供应业 |
Production and Supply of
Electric Power |
56539 |
55049 |
31582 |
62294 |
and Heat Power |
燃气生产和供应业 |
Production and Distribution of Gas |
28565 |
28895 |
27381 |
水的生产和供应业 |
Production and Distribution of Water |
26202 |
25611 |
10688 |
30702 |
筑 业 |
Construction |
24489 |
31307 |
21558 |
20736 |
房屋和土木工程建筑业 |
Construction of Building & Civil Engineering |
23367 |
30688 |
21110 |
19799 |
建筑安装业 |
Architectural Installation |
31889 |
32205 |
28561 |
32442 |
建筑装饰业 |
Architectural Decoration |
23124 |
25077 |
13917 |
23501 |
其他建筑业 |
Other Construction |
36403 |
40940 |
14371 |
18733 |
交通运输、仓储和邮政业 |
Transport, Storage and Post |
34208 |
31454 |
16061 |
46341 |
铁路运输业 |
Transport Via Railway |
44219 |
44437 |
25436 |
45902 |
道路运输业 |
Transport Via Road |
24441 |
25050 |
14887 |
23621 |
城市公共交通业 |
Urban Public Traffic |
21711 |
21992 |
12547 |
20340 |
水上运输业 |
Water Transport |
62176 |
36302 |
63873 |
航空运输业 |
Air Transport |
66468 |
58250 |
77109 |
管道运输业 |
Transport Via Pipeline |
89676 |
62642 |
109828 |
装卸搬运和其他运输服务业 |
Loading, Unloading,
Portage and Other |
24182 |
30000 |
12664 |
22302 |
Services |
仓 储 业 |
Storage |
23081 |
23430 |
10638 |
21680 |
邮 政 业 |
Post |
30225 |
30225 |
信息传输、计算机服务 |
Information Transmission,
Computer |
48848 |
49286 |
20499 |
49143 |
和软件业 |
Services and Software |
电信和其他信息传输服务业 |
Telecom & Other
Information Transmission |
49488 |
49445 |
20835 |
50451 |
Services |
计算机服务业 |
Computer Services |
18326 |
25528 |
16978 |
16231 |
软件业 |
Software Industry |
29626 |
32221 |
29205 |
批发和零售业 |
and Retail Trades |
19965 |
23406 |
11750 |
19749 |
批发业 |
Wholesale Trade |
23731 |
26256 |
13460 |
24993 |
零售业 |
Retail Trade |
16030 |
18723 |
9931 |
16263 |
住宿和餐饮业 |
Hotels and
Catering Services |
17165 |
17279 |
13511 |
17750 |
住宿业 |
Hotels |
17483 |
17354 |
12715 |
19199 |
餐饮业 |
Catering Services |
16519 |
16969 |
14585 |
16559 |
金融业 |
Intermediation |
54353 |
54196 |
46861 |
57065 |
银行业 |
Bank |
58768 |
56573 |
47095 |
65369 |
证券业 |
Security Activities |
95332 |
84536 |
95533 |
保险业 |
Insurance |
32191 |
17072 |
32363 |
其他金融活动 |
Other Financial Activities |
34172 |
29197 |
15915 |
67729 |
房地产业 |
Real Estate |
29108 |
29219 |
25809 |
29181 |
#房地产开发经营 |
Development and Management of Real Estate |
28305 |
26862 |
13145 |
29323 |
物业管理 |
Property Management |
27489 |
30216 |
33807 |
20048 |
房地产中介服务 |
Agency Services for Real Estate |
22440 |
22511 |
20710 |
租赁和商务服务业 |
Leasing and
Business Services |
21221 |
23162 |
15406 |
22269 |
租赁业 |
Leasing |
15638 |
12522 |
16883 |
14675 |
商务服务业 |
Business Services |
21287 |
23172 |
15369 |
22497 |
科学研究、技术服务 |
Research, Technical |
50671 |
43348 |
17182 |
118620 |
和地质勘查业 |
Service and
Geologic Prospecting |
研究与试验发展 |
Research and
Experimental Development |
51470 |
51678 |
43755 |
自然科学研究与试验发展 |
Natural Science |
47938 |
47938 |
工程和技术研究与试验发展 |
Engineering and Technology |
58790 |
59469 |
43755 |
农业科学研究与试验发展 |
Agricultural Science |
35299 |
35299 |
医学研究与试验发展 |
Medicine |
30134 |
30134 |
社会人文科学研究与试验发展 |
Social Science |
39350 |
39350 |
专业技术服务业 |
Technical Services |
53283 |
33937 |
19387 |
124890 |
#气象服务 |
Meteorological Service |
26839 |
26839 |
地震服务 |
Earthquake Monitoring |
37734 |
37734 |
海洋服务 |
Marine Service |
测绘服务 |
Surveying and Mapping |
30094 |
30455 |
20375 |
15200 |
技术检测 |
Technology Supervision |
27681 |
27670 |
14053 |
29637 |
环境监测 |
Environment Monitoring |
28308 |
28308 |
工程技术与规化管理 |
Engineering Technology & Planning |
38765 |
38486 |
15867 |
40137 |
科技交流和推广服务业 |
Services of Science and
Technology |
26645 |
27032 |
16914 |
18277 |
Exchanges and Promotion |
地质勘查业 |
Prospecting |
50094 |
50201 |
10526 |
31382 |
水利、环境和公共设施管理业 |
Management of
Water Conservancy, |
22716 |
22874 |
17219 |
21894 |
and Public Facilities |
水利管理业 |
of Water Conservancy |
25555 |
25736 |
17289 |
22286 |
环境管理业 |
Environmental Management |
18553 |
18146 |
16765 |
23278 |
公共设施管理业 |
of Public Facilities |
25159 |
25565 |
17950 |
19783 |
居民服务和其他服务业 |
Services to
Households and Other |
35369 |
40122 |
17300 |
18893 |
Services |
居民服务业 |
Services to
Households |
24189 |
26122 |
15567 |
19263 |
其他服务业 |
Services |
39103 |
44603 |
17561 |
17850 |
教 育 |
Education |
34140 |
34153 |
22322 |
34907 |
#初等教育 |
Education |
32442 |
32452 |
14104 |
中等教育 |
Education |
34068 |
34055 |
25603 |
40914 |
高等教育 |
Education |
45407 |
45604 |
31192 |
卫生、社会保障和社会福利业 |
Social Security and Social |
31268 |
32112 |
19293 |
22979 |
Welfare |
卫 生 |
Health |
31421 |
32318 |
19288 |
22995 |
社会保障业 |
Security |
29938 |
29938 |
社会福利业 |
Welfare |
26747 |
26800 |
21167 |
22379 |
文化、体育和娱乐业 |
Culture, Sports and Entertainment |
26746 |
27229 |
16587 |
23252 |
新闻出版业 |
and Publishing Activities |
35143 |
35193 |
28608 |
广播、电影、电视和音像业 |
Broadcasting, Movies, Televisions
and |
23502 |
23528 |
6536 |
23580 |
Audiovisual Activities |
文化艺术业 |
Cultural and
Art Activities |
26042 |
27250 |
16079 |
15200 |
体 育 |
Activities |
31800 |
32121 |
25879 |
娱乐业 |
Entertainment |
17981 |
17092 |
18934 |
22322 |
公共管理和社会组织 |
Public Management
and Social |
30504 |
30510 |
25816 |
Organization |
#中国共产党机关 |
Organs of
Communist Party of China |
34258 |
34258 |
国家机构 |
Agencies |
30215 |
30221 |
25816 |
人民政协和民主党派 |
People's Political Consultative
Conference |
41011 |
41011 |
and Democratic Parties |
群众团体、社会团体和 |
Non-Governmental Organizations,
Social |
34674 |
34674 |
宗教组织 |
Organizationsand Religion Organizations |