企业景气指数 (2010年) |
Climate Index of
Enterprises (2010) |
目 |
Item |
一季度 |
二季度 |
三季度 |
四季度 |
First Quarter |
Second Quarter |
Third Quarter |
Fourth Quarter |
总体状况 |
Overall Confidence Index |
121.7 |
129.2 |
129.9 |
125.1 |
按行业门类分 |
Grouped by Sector |
业 |
Industry |
120.2 |
127.6 |
128.8 |
123.7 |
建筑业 |
Construction |
125.6 |
152.4 |
150.1 |
142.1 |
交通运输、仓储及邮政业 |
Storage and Post Services |
116.7 |
124.5 |
121.6 |
113.9 |
批发零售业 |
Wholesale and
Retail Trade |
131.1 |
128.2 |
128.4 |
127.5 |
房地产业 |
Real Estate Trade |
123.9 |
125.7 |
129.9 |
133.0 |
社会服务业 |
Social Services |
123.1 |
123.7 |
131.6 |
129.0 |
信息传输、计算机服务 |
Transmitting, Computer |
156.7 |
167.2 |
156.7 |
152.2 |
及软件业 |
Services and Software |
住宿和餐饮业 |
Accommodation and
Catering Services |
105.2 |
115.8 |
122.8 |
117.5 |
按注册登记类型分 |
Grouped by Status
of Registration |
国有企业 |
Enterprises |
120.4 |
126.5 |
130.2 |
123.6 |
集体企业 |
Enterprises |
115.0 |
104.9 |
112.2 |
117.1 |
有限责任公司 |
Limited Liability
Corporations |
122.1 |
129.8 |
129.2 |
126.7 |
股份有限公司 |
Corporations Ltd. |
128.6 |
139.4 |
132.8 |
128.5 |
私营企业 |
Enterprises |
108.5 |
118.9 |
123.9 |
115.4 |
外商及港澳台投资企业 |
Enterprises with
Funds from Foreign and |
Kong, Macao, Taiwan |
按企业规模分 |
Grouped by Size of Enterprises |
大型(含特大型 )企业 |
Large and
Super-sized |
中型企业 |
Medium-sized |
124.9 |
132.4 |
131.0 |
130.7 |
小型企业 |
Small-sized |
111.0 |
116.7 |
122.9 |
114.4 |
其他分组 |
Others |
国家重点企业 |
State Key
Enterprises |
142.2 |
141.6 |
153.2 |
155.9 |
国家试点企业集团成员企业 |
Experimental Enterprises Groups |
100.0 |
100.0 |
99.4 |
85.7 |
乡镇企业 |
Enterprises |
上市公司 |
Listed in the Stock Market |
128.2 |
147.6 |
149.7 |
132.7 |
国有控股企业 |
Enterprises |
122.5 |
128.4 |
131.3 |
126.4 |
工 业 |
Industry |
生产成本 |
Cost |
67.5 |
67.4 |
67.5 |
55.0 |
生产总量 |
Gross Output |
103.8 |
134.9 |
121.7 |
115.4 |
产品订货 |
Order for Product |
110.0 |
122.6 |
118.1 |
115.2 |
#国外订货 |
order for Product
of the World |
101.3 |
106.7 |
100.6 |
103.4 |
产品销售 |
Total Volume of
Sales |
101.0 |
132.1 |
122.2 |
119.8 |
产品销售价格 |
Price of Sales |
112.7 |
106.9 |
108.6 |
124.8 |
产成品库存 |
Inventory of
Product |
119.7 |
122.7 |
121.2 |
124.2 |
盈利(亏损)变化 |
Profit (Loss)
Change |
108.1 |
121.7 |
115.5 |
116.3 |
流动资金 |
Floating Capital |
77.5 |
79.1 |
82.2 |
81.1 |
货款拖欠 |
Loan Delinquency |
105.2 |
97.5 |
101.2 |
100.4 |
劳动力需求 |
Labor Force
Demand |
107.8 |
115.5 |
112.2 |
115.5 |
固定资产投资 |
Fixed Assets
Investment |
101.9 |
113.6 |
113.3 |
116.3 |
科技创新 |
Innovation |
104.6 |
112.7 |
110.7 |
114.3 |
主要原材料及能源 |
Purchase Price of
Major Raw Materials |
47.1 |
58.4 |
52.2 |
37.7 |
购进价格 |
and Energy |
主要原材料及能源供应 |
Supply of Major
Raw Materials and Energy |
122.9 |
127.3 |
131.5 |
121.2 |
建筑业 |
Construction |
工程合同 |
Project Contract |
100.6 |
148.3 |
135.3 |
117.7 |
#国(境)外工程合同 |
Overseas |
96.6 |
103.9 |
95.8 |
100.9 |
建筑工程量 |
Resilience |
84.4 |
170.0 |
157.3 |
140.8 |
新开工工程量 |
Newly Started
Construction Resilience |
89.6 |
157.6 |
136.4 |
111.3 |
工程结算收入 |
Revenue of
Project Settlement Accounts |
88.4 |
156.6 |
144.4 |
138.7 |
建筑材料购进价格 |
Purchase Price of
Building Material |
76.8 |
57.5 |
60.5 |
39.8 |
工程结算成本 |
Costs of Project
Settlement Accounts |
77.0 |
66.5 |
71.2 |
63.2 |
盈利(亏损)变化 |
Profit (Loss)
Change |
92.7 |
132.9 |
127.1 |
126.8 |
流动资金 |
Floating Capital |
78.6 |
69.7 |
77.8 |
85.7 |
工程款拖欠 |
Project Funds
Delinquency |
109.0 |
80.7 |
80.0 |
77.9 |
劳动力需求 |
Labor Force
Demand |
79.7 |
166.7 |
144.5 |
123.2 |
固定资产投资 |
Fixed Assets
Investment |
98.3 |
127.1 |
118.7 |
116.5 |
交通运输、仓储和邮政业 |
Transport, Post, Telecommunication |
Services |
业务收费价格 |
Business Charge
Price |
94.4 |
93.6 |
97.3 |
101.6 |
盈利(亏损)变化 |
Floating Capital |
93.9 |
100.3 |
98.9 |
93.5 |
流动资金 |
Profit (Loss)
Change |
67.5 |
65.9 |
65.3 |
70.2 |
货款拖欠 |
Loan Delinquency |
93.3 |
91.8 |
99.2 |
98.1 |
劳动力需求 |
Labor Force
Demand |
111.1 |
108.1 |
113.4 |
109.3 |
固定资产投资 |
Fixed Assets
Investment |
109.0 |
110.2 |
118.3 |
114.5 |
批发和零售业 |
Wholesale & Retail Sale Trade |
商品购进价格 |
Purchasing Price
of Commodities |
75.2 |
82.4 |
70.8 |
65.8 |
商品销售 |
Marketing |
120.1 |
104.5 |
121.0 |
132.4 |
#出 口 |
Export |
95.2 |
96.7 |
108.7 |
110.3 |
商品销售价格 |
Selling Price of
Commodities |
114.7 |
93.1 |
112.3 |
125.9 |
商品库存 |
Commodity Stock |
125.9 |
106.8 |
113.2 |
121.0 |
经营费用 |
Management Cost |
68.5 |
92.7 |
87.2 |
78.8 |
盈利(亏损)变化 |
Profit (Loss)
Change |
117.2 |
107.6 |
108.2 |
119.8 |
流动资金 |
Floating Capital |
99.7 |
94.2 |
98.1 |
92.1 |
货款拖欠 |
Loan Delinquency |
109.3 |
114.9 |
103.6 |
118.0 |
劳动力需求 |
Labor Force
Demand |
102.8 |
99.2 |
103.9 |
109.2 |
固定资产投资 |
Fixed Assets
Investment |
108.6 |
111.0 |
108.8 |
110.8 |
房地产业 |
Real Estate Industry |
土地开发 |
Land Space
Development |
88.0 |
98.5 |
95.4 |
93.8 |
完成投资 |
Investment |
102.6 |
120.8 |
115.1 |
123.3 |
新开工情况 |
Newly Started |
99.7 |
105.2 |
98.4 |
104.4 |
房屋竣工 |
Completed |
80.8 |
92.7 |
91.5 |
99.9 |
商品房预售 |
Commercial House
Sold in Advance |
76.4 |
80.4 |
87.8 |
86.7 |
商品房销售 |
Commercial House
Sold |
74.6 |
69.8 |
85.9 |
86.7 |
商品房销售价格 |
Commercial House
Selling Price |
117.4 |
108.4 |
110.4 |
118.5 |
空置商品房 |
Vacant Commercial
Houses |
142.1 |
137.9 |
136.8 |
143.9 |
盈利(亏损)变化 |
Floating Capital |
121.0 |
99.2 |
99.2 |
117.4 |
流动资金 |
Profit (Loss)
Change |
79.5 |
73.8 |
75.1 |
76.4 |
货款拖欠 |
Loan Delinquency |
139.2 |
126.5 |
111.4 |
112.0 |
劳动力需求 |
Labor Force
Demand |
100.8 |
116.6 |
102.9 |
99.2 |
固定资产投资 |
Fixed Assets
Investment |
100.8 |
111.7 |
113.8 |
102.6 |
社会服务业 |
Social Service Industry |
竞争能力 |
Ability |
141.0 |
134.2 |
139.5 |
134.2 |
旅游客源 |
Traveling Source
of Tourists |
115.4 |
146.2 |
136.4 |
100.0 |
收费(服务)价格 |
Charge (Service)
Price |
92.1 |
81.1 |
94.7 |
97.3 |
营业成本 |
Business Cost |
79.5 |
68.4 |
89.5 |
73.7 |
盈利(亏损)变化 |
Floating Capital |
87.2 |
94.7 |
105.3 |
97.4 |
流动资金 |
Profit (Loss)
Change |
92.3 |
97.4 |
86.8 |
79.0 |
货款拖欠 |
Loan Delinquency |
105.3 |
89.5 |
97.3 |
86.5 |
劳动力需求 |
Labor Force
Demand |
92.3 |
115.8 |
113.2 |
105.3 |
固定资产投资 |
Fixed Assets
Investment |
100.0 |
100.0 |
105.3 |
110.5 |
信息传输、计算机服务 |
Information Transmission, |
和软件业 |
Service |
产品销售(提供服务) |
Product Sale
(Service Provide) |
142.8 |
152.1 |
135.9 |
164.2 |
产品订货 |
Product Ordering |
141.1 |
154.2 |
151.8 |
154.5 |
竞争能力 |
Ability |
144.2 |
156.5 |
135.2 |
136.4 |
销售(收费)价格 |
Selling (Charge)
Price |
66.1 |
63.2 |
65.3 |
74.6 |
营业收入 |
Business Income |
127.0 |
154.2 |
132.8 |
154.2 |
营业成本 |
Business Cost |
36.1 |
71.0 |
77.8 |
35.2 |
盈利(亏损)变化 |
Floating Capital |
99.6 |
134.5 |
123.7 |
126.9 |
流动资金 |
Profit (Loss)
Change |
127.8 |
145.5 |
129.0 |
128.5 |
货款拖欠 |
Loan Delinquency |
83.9 |
102.2 |
100.7 |
78.6 |
劳动力需求 |
Labor Force
Demand |
148.1 |
135.4 |
136.2 |
122.7 |
固定资产投资 |
Fixed Assets
Investment |
120.6 |
121.5 |
118.7 |
141.8 |
住宿和餐饮业 |
Accommodation and Catering Service |
竞争能力 |
Ability |
125.9 |
115.8 |
112.5 |
110.5 |
客房出租 |
Guest Room Hiring |
64.1 |
86.8 |
90.7 |
86.5 |
收费(服务)价格 |
Charge (Service)
Price |
91.4 |
91.2 |
98.3 |
96.5 |
营业收入 |
Business Income |
98.3 |
110.5 |
110.5 |
107.0 |
营业成本 |
Business Cost |
74.1 |
71.9 |
57.9 |
64.9 |
盈利(亏损)变化 |
Floating Capital |
75.9 |
103.5 |
89.5 |
87.7 |
流动资金 |
Profit (Loss)
Change |
60.3 |
68.4 |
73.7 |
68.4 |
货款拖欠 |
Loan Delinquency |
96.3 |
89.1 |
86.8 |
92.6 |
劳动力需求 |
Labor Force
Demand |
105.2 |
110.5 |
121.1 |
110.5 |
固定资产投资 |
Fixed Assets
Investment |
96.6 |
93.0 |
100.0 |
94.7 |