法人单位数 |
Number of
Institutional Units |
单位:个 |
(unit) |
行 业 |
Sector |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
全省总计 |
Total |
227105 |
244450 |
255875 |
285586 |
323869 |
345822 |
按三次产业分 |
Grouped by Three Strata of Industry |
第一产业 |
Primary Industry |
1766 |
2276 |
2759 |
7017 |
9116 |
11797 |
第二产业 |
Secondary Industry |
76074 |
84408 |
88215 |
76074 |
103134 |
107121 |
第三产业 |
Tertiary Industry |
149265 |
157766 |
164901 |
149265 |
211619 |
226904 |
按行业分 |
Grouped by sector |
农、林、牧、渔业 |
Forestry, Animal Husbandry |
1766 |
2276 |
2759 |
7017 |
9116 |
11797 |
and Fishery |
采矿业 |
Mining |
7061 |
7705 |
8102 |
7794 |
8415 |
8616 |
制造业 |
Manufacturing |
64459 |
71343 |
74277 |
78240 |
86824 |
89208 |
电力、燃气及水 |
Production and
Distribution of |
691 |
794 |
868 |
977 |
1205 |
1343 |
的生产和供应业 |
Electricity, Gas and Water |
建筑业 |
Construction |
3863 |
4566 |
4968 |
5163 |
6690 |
7954 |
交通运输、仓储和邮政业 |
Traffic, Transport, Storage and
Post |
2799 |
3237 |
3658 |
4967 |
5950 |
6529 |
信息传输、计算机服务 |
Transmission, Computer |
1660 |
2064 |
2397 |
3993 |
4692 |
4876 |
和软件业 |
Services and Software |
批发和零售业 |
Wholesale and
Retail Trades |
29354 |
34883 |
38820 |
46879 |
63166 |
72731 |
住宿和餐饮业 |
Hotels and
Catering Services |
3047 |
3315 |
3507 |
3947 |
4216 |
4184 |
金融业 |
Intermediation |
1344 |
1402 |
1367 |
880 |
1425 |
1671 |
房地产业 |
Real Estate |
3207 |
3997 |
4677 |
5523 |
7073 |
9084 |
租赁和商务服务业 |
Leasing and
Business Services |
4753 |
5659 |
6203 |
7816 |
9756 |
11440 |
科学研究、技术 |
Scientific Research, Technical
Service |
2860 |
3165 |
3359 |
4140 |
4971 |
5434 |
服务和地质勘查业 |
and Geologic
Prospecting |
水利、环境和公共 |
Management of Water Conservancy, |
1058 |
1129 |
1203 |
1514 |
1758 |
1877 |
设施管理业 |
Environment and Public Facilities |
居民服务和其他服务业 |
Services to
Households and Other Services |
1606 |
1935 |
2205 |
2814 |
3766 |
4335 |
教 育 |
Education |
17620 |
17487 |
17463 |
18885 |
19029 |
19005 |
卫生、社会保障和社会福利业 |
Health, Social
Security and Social Welfare |
6770 |
6748 |
6611 |
7105 |
7226 |
7170 |
文化、体育和娱乐业 |
Culture, Sports
and Entertainment |
1670 |
1763 |
1838 |
1982 |
2184 |
2272 |
公共管理和社会组织 |
Public Management
and Social Organization |
71517 |
70982 |
71593 |
75950 |
76407 |
76296 |