Conditions of Transportation, Post and Telecommunications  Services and Electricity Consumption (2007)
    City 民 用 汽 车 公路客运量 公路货运量 年末邮政局 国际互联网 电话用户数     全年用电量  
拥有量(万辆) (万人) (万吨) (所)数(处) 用户数(万户) (万户) 固定电话 移动电话 (万千瓦小时) #工业用电
Possession of Passenger Freight Number of Number of Number of 用 户 数 用 户 数 Annual for Industrial
Civil Vehicles Traffic of Traffic of Postal and Internet Telephones Number of Number of Electricity  
(10000 units) Highways Highways Offices (10000 (10000 Fixed Telephone Mobile Telephone Consumption  
  (10000 persons) (10000 tons) (unit) subscribers) Subscribers) Subscribers Subscribers (10000 kwh)  
城市合计 Total 340.34 82648 79822 399 268.12 1799.50 498.66 1300.84 8064668 6693653
石家庄市 Shijiazhuang 52.41 13743 11214 83 112.78 442.87 74.44 368.43 1214163 855256
承 德 市 Chengde 12.72 3780 3913 26 9.22 65.78 23.44 42.34 386644 340751
张家口市 Zhangjiakou 17.03 2887 5528 26 12.50 114.35 30.94 83.41 548244 483023
秦皇岛市 Qinhuangdao 17.30 6287 4739 48 22.98 122.11 29.68 92.43 691197 480602
唐 山 市 Tangshan 42.64 11624 10923 68 25.42 406.68 128.83 277.85 3281304 3063112
廊 坊 市 Langfang 35.02 5634 5825 27 8.74 120.94 39.14 81.80 214499 126897
保 定 市 Baoding 48.89 8626 8552 32 18.97 105.33 40.32 65.01 485613 376075
沧 州 市 Cangzhou 35.93 7864 11281 16 7.52 98.05 32.96 65.09 185761 117696
衡 水 市 Hengshui 16.23 3820 3709 16 6.79 73.38 15.08 58.30 188768 145323
邢 台 市 Xingtai 25.15 5881 3992 22 13.23 76.94 32.61 44.33 470099 392733
邯 郸 市 Handan 37.02 12502 10146 35 29.99 173.07 51.22 121.85 398376 312185
a) Possession of Civil Vehicles of a city is the totals of civil vihicles owned by residents of the prefectural city, i.e. residents of not only the 
    municipall districts , but also the counties charged by the prefectural government. So do the data of  Passenger Traffic of Highways and
    Freight Traffic of Highways.