社会福利事业、企业单位和工作人员数 |
Number of
Social Welfare Institutions and Enterprises and Persons Engaged |
项 目 |
Item |
单位数(个) |
工作人员(人) |
Number of |
Number of Pesonnel |
(unit) |
Engaged (person) |
2006 |
2007 |
2006 |
2007 |
烈士纪念建筑物管理单位 |
Army Supply Transfer Stations |
90 |
90 |
804 |
887 |
救助类单位 |
Salvation Institutions |
22 |
23 |
362 |
388 |
# 救助管理站 |
Collecting and Repatriating Units |
22 |
22 |
362 |
359 |
安置农场 |
Aftercare Farms |
1 |
29 |
殡仪馆 |
Funeral Parlor |
155 |
2798 |
殡葬管理服务单位 |
Funeral and Burial Management Service Units |
18 |
301 |
社会福利企业单位 |
Social Welfare Enterprises |
1652 |
1304 |
52718 |
47467 |