Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises
      Item 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
有研究与试验发展活动的企业(个) Number of Enterprises Having R&D Activities (unit)   212 199 209 210
有研究与试验发展活动的企业占  Percentage of Enterprises Having R&D Activities to   18.2 16.5 16.2 15.6
  全部企业的比重(%)    Total Number of Enterprises   (%)  
科技机构数(个) Number of Scientific and Technological Institutions 339 373 342 332 351
科技活动人员(人) Personnel Engaged in S&T Activities (person) 55850 60101 66670 71262 73801
  #科学家和工程师     Scientists and Engineers 34510 37420 44398 47965 51771
研究与试验发展折合全时人员 Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel   17806 23026 23955 24636
                  (人年)                                                          (man-year)  
  #科学家和工程师     Scientists and Engineers   13972 18563 19113 19354
科技机构科技活动人员数 Personnel Engaged in S&T Activities 21556 21920 24317 25479 25577
             (人)         in S&T Institutions  (person)  
  #科学家和工程师     Scientists and Engineers 13439
科技经费筹集额(万元) Funding for S&T Activities  (10000 yuan) 387175 553860 692041 843818 1064489
  #政府资金      Government Funds 16483 13205 7909 11016 18120
   企业资金      Self-raised  Funds  by Enterprises 317583 506029 651425 799438 1021011
   金融机构贷款      Loans From Finance Institutions 42066 25798 21697 14956 11619
科技经费内部支出(万元) Intramural Expenditures on S&T Activities 346915 513369 690149 854283 1050493
                                                                                 (10000 yuan)  
  #开发新产品经费支出       Expenditure on New Product Development 120647 201455 359941 408126 482121
研究与试验发展经费支出(万元) Expenditure on  R&D (10 000 yuan) 18828 248961 348195 457720 549115
技术引进经费支出(万元) Expenditure for Acquisition of Foreign Technology  89174 137388 69069 107079 245042
                                                 (10000 yuan)  
消化吸收经费支出(万元) Expenditure for Assimilation of Technology  5291 18568 16002 6391 55340
                                                 (10000 yuan)  
购买国内技术支出(万元) Expenditure for Purchase of Domestic Technology   4550 29658 11813 12063 68699
                                                (10000 yuan)  
专利申请数(件) Patent Applications (item) 503 975 797 876 1103
  #发明专利数     Inventive Patent 100 303 313 315 308
拥有发明专利数(件) Owning Inventive Patent  (item) 130 453 521 731 766