Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities
      Item 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
科技活动人员(人)  Personnel Engaged in S&T Activities 113510 112591 125278 132706 139227
  #科学家和工程师      Scientists and Engineers 78575 74950 85747 91542 98552
研究与试验发展折合全时人员  Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel 34438 34785 41990 43942 46081
                  (人年)                                     (man-year)  
  #科学家和工程师      Scientists and Engineers 28489 28655 35072 36504 37982
科技经费筹集额(万元)  Funding for S&T Activities (10000 yuan) 795663 951032 1200994 1383421 1651358
  #政府资金      Government Funds 209663 205292 218664 287079 325624
   企业资金      Self-raised Funds by Enterprises 461690 644945 906872 981466 1226715
   金融机构贷款      Loans from Finance Institutions 68514 45470 41369 50760 43682
科技经费内部支出(万元)  Internal Expenditures on S&T Activities 742940 860294 1113700 1346852 1640732
                                    (10000 yuan)  
  #劳务费      Service Fees 151541 178457 198973 221046 267372
   固定资产购建费      Purchases or Coustruction of Fixed Assets 216431 270217 351817 507784 573899
研究与试验发展经费支出(万元)  Expenditure on  R&D (10000 yuan) 380530 438185 593190 771824 907623
  #基础研究      Basic Research 11159 27573 23025 30789 36714
   应用研究      Applied Research 72473 96682 149354 169654 206583
   试验发展      Experimental Development 274262 292511 401311 522444 618159
  #政府资金      Government Funds 95506 107612 150771 208907 234585
   企业资金      Self-raised Funds by Enterprises 226692 313989 421395 539152 632938
研究与试验发展经费支出相当于 Proportion of  Expenditure 0.54 0.50 0.59 0.66 0.66
 国内生产总值比例(%)     on R&D to GDP  (%)  
科技成果及获奖数(项) Achievements in S&T and National  
       Prizes Won (unit)  
  科技成果登记数      Number of Major Achievements in Science 1089 1155 1751 2132 2479
           and Technology  
技术市场成交额(亿元)  Transaction Value in Technical Market 6.8 7.3 10.4 15.9 16.4
                                   (100 million yuan)  
专利申请受理数(件)  Number of Patents Application Acceptance 5623 5647 6401 7220 7853
  #发明专利      Inventions 994 979 1273 1597 2094
专利申请授权数(件)  Number of Patents Application Granted 3572 3407 3585 4131 5358
  #发明专利      Inventions 272 357 371 407 462