Proportion of students Entering into Schools of Higher Grade and Enrollment Rate of School-age Children
单位:%  (%)
  学龄儿童入学率 小学升初中 初中升高级中学 高中升高等教育
    Net Enrollment Rate Primary School Graduates Junior Secondary Graduates Senior Secondary Graduates
Year of School-Age Children Entering into Entering into Entering into
    Junior Secondary Schools Senior Secondary Schools Institution of Higher Learning
1990 99.0 79.9 35.3
1991 98.3 81.6 41.5
1992 98.4 83.7 42.6
1993 98.5 82.9 44.0
1994 98.4 86.9 47.3
1995 99.2 90.2 47.3
1996 99.7 93.5 21.4
1997 99.8 98.8 49.0
1998 99.8 98.1 47.1
1999 99.9 98.0 42.3
2000 99.9 98.7 43.3
2001 99.5 98.8 43.4
2002 99.5 96.7 39.5
2003 99.4 98.0 32.9
2004 99.8 98.4 32.9
2005 99.7 98.1 39.0 63.16
2006 99.4 99.0 37.4 68.73
2007 99.5 99.8 39.2 64.22
a)  In the term of  Primary School Graduates Entering into Junior Secondary Schools, Junior Secondary Schools refer to regular junior middle
     Schools, excluding specialized middle schools. b) In the term of Junior Secondary Schools Graduates Entering into Senior Secondary
    Schools, Senior secondary schools refer to regular senior middle schools, excluding specialized senior middle schools and vestibule school. 
    c)The data of Senior Secondary Graduate entering into institution of Higher Learning are the quotients of  enrollment numbers of regular
    colleges by numbers of  graduates from senior middle school.