Number of New Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School
  普通高等学校 普通中学   职业中学 普通小学
  (人) (万人)     (人) (万人)
    Regular Regular Senior Junior Vocational Primary
  Institutions Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Schools
Year of Higher Schools Schools Schools Schools (10000
  Education (10000     (person) persons)
  (person) persons)        
1990 23803 75.78 10.81 64.97 51512 125.33
1991 23701 83.28 10.61 72.67 60654 125.32
1992 32956 89.39 10.16 79.23 70162 132.54
1993 41789 92.54 10.11 82.43 74930 144.48
1994 42141 104.41 11.87 92.54 88741 159.10
1995 43027 120.64 14.66 105.98 95099 162.60
1996 42796 129.43 15.76 113.67 125393 156.74
1997 46357 140.14 18.77 121.37 154997 148.33
1998 49578 149.84 21.61 128.23 187611 128.24
1999 76900 163.12 23.22 139.90 169533 116.15
2000 106447 177.22 26.22 151.00 134336 107.05
2001 148260 181.02 31.20 149.82 137325 93.34
2002 170792 185.65 37.96 147.69 135341 78.96
2003 192135 187.90 44.93 142.97 144724 72.74
2004 238597 172.40 46.40 126.00 128854 71.50
2005 256873 164.67 49.47 115.20 181050 72.00
2006 297058 157.19 49.70 107.49 207170 80.07
2007 303294 138.61 93.37 45.25 202145 88.52