Number of Schools by Level and Type of School
单位: 所   (unit)
  普通高等学校 普通中学   职业中学 普通小学
    Regular Regular Senior Junior Vocational Primary
Year Institutions Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Schools
  of Higher Schools Schools Schools Schools  
1990 50 5403 181 4745 362 48568
1991 50 5321 199 4687 313 48414
1992 48 5314 206 4712 323 48189
1993 54 5260 212 4680 318 47975
1994 52 5294 257 4723 358 47623
1995 47 5256 250 4695 359 47133
1996 45 5175 273 4598 392 465.3
1997 46 5076 301 4465 436 46243
1998 46 4984 325 4338 474 45343
1999 48 4949 358 4272 494 39770
2000 47 4910 380 4194 463 36465
2001 63 5098 377 4024 362 31529
2002 75 5053 390 3908 369 28433
2003 83 5024 394 3863 361 25700
2004 87 4917 814 4103 313 22953
2005 86 4734 1136 4320 288 20883
2006 88 4464 801 3343 290 19162
2007 88 4164 761 3755 291 17340
a) Vocatinal secondary schools in 2005 and 2006 included vocational senior schools .The same 
   applies to the tables following.