Contracted Projects and Labor Cooperation with Foreign Countries and Territories
  签订合同的 合同份数 合同金额 派出人次 完成营业额
    (个) (份) (万美元) (人次) (万美元)
  Number of Coutries Number of Contracted Number of Labor Value of
Year Made Contracts Contracts Value Send abroad Business
  with China for (unit) (10000 USD) (person-times) Fulfilled
  Projects and Labor       (10000 USD)
Contracted Projects
1985 4 4 321 466
1986 1 2 9 326
1987 1 6 672 301
1988 2 9 1468 679
1989 3 3 422 902
1990 9 9 327 121 584
1991 5 15 1291 971 1085
1992 9 9 4881 623 1363
1993 1 1 947 2
1994 3 4 608 65 263
1995 7 16 2127 428 1798
1996 4 9 317 113 902
1997 6 60 1518 330 1467
1998 11 26 5187 855 2486
1999 12 24 5770 836 4001
2000 13 50 9440 1170 4624
2001 16 26 5265 662 2412
2002 22 38 21329 2998 12022
2003 25 40 31669 1509 17940
2004 25 69 48200 1484 23095
2005 35 91 107533 1832 54139
2006 29 84 171035 3176 78583
2007 41 119 172954 7241 123912
Labour Consulation
1984 1 1 7
1985 1 1 11 7
1986 1 1 15
1987 2 8 2
1988 2 9 1188 21
1989 7 19 314 79
1990 16 16 523 67 50
1991 13 19 1339 18 108
1992 8 8 167 470 8
1993 9 13 232 88 49
1994 36 62 1405 1124 477
1995 29 71 1238 1796 862
1996 24 159 4093 2937 2761
1997 33 157 4167 3344 3235
1998 33 195 4726 3055 2500
1999 27 255 5664 3415 2985
2000 37 219 6035 4151 3975
2001 21 110 3377 5753 4206
2002 15 61 3373 4218 2751
2003 25 62 2258 2256 2144
2004 15 62 1919 1829 1602
2005 12 53 2169 1707 1557
2006 16 66 2489 5806 1929
2007 11 131 2982 3359 2565