Output of Major Industrial Products
产品名称 Item 2000 2005 2006 2007
化学纤维(万吨) Chemical Fiber   (10000 tons) 10.26 22.67 25.30 26.32
  #合成纤维(万吨)   Synthetic Fiber (10000 tons) 6.15 8.94 8.88 7.60
纱(万吨) Yarn (10000 tons) 43.70 68.59 86.38 92.96
布(亿米) Cloth(100 million m) 15.60 23.37 28.23 26.22
  绒(万米) Woolen Piece Goods(10000 m) 662.86 133.30 177.20 340.26
  线(吨) Knitting Wool(ton) 105574.00 95151.30 96235.40 110293.66
丝织品(万米) Silk Knitwear(10000 m) 3478.20 1866.00 1746.00 1408
机制纸及纸板(万吨)  Machine-made Paper and Paperboard (10000 tons) 216.34 315.82 370.46 425.06
  鞋(万双) Shoes(10000 pairs) 309.59 107.35 163.06 218.34
  鞋(万双) Rubber Shoes(10000 pairs) 4814.50 2104.58 2129.39 2178.73
日用陶瓷(亿件) Ceramics for Daily Use(100 million units) 6.01 6.31 5.53 3.95
塑料制品(万吨) Plastic Articles (10000 tons) 42.33 140.75 137.86 137.37
缝纫机(万架) Sewing Machine(10000 sets) 23.76 27.17 25.73 28.24
  泡(万只) Light Bulbs(10000 uints) 8397.36 25462.24 6131.30 5934
原电池及原电池组 Primary Cells and Batteries 2.93 4.36 2.08 1.03
  (折R20标准只)(亿只)                              (100 million units)  
  盐(万吨) Salt (10000 tons) 432.62 419.07 412.56 395.26
食用植物油(万吨) Edible Vegetable Oil (10000 tons) 29.88 78.87 88.71 114.28
糖(万吨) Sugar (10000 tons) 1.28 3.87 6.41 7.01
饮料酒(混合量)(万千升) Alcoholic Beverages (10000 kiloliter) 160.39 163.68 163.53 175.85
  #白    Liquor  26.40 10.17 13.16 17.52
       Beer  130.60 142.96 138.38 148.08
  头(万吨) Canned Food (10000 tons) 16.40 29.46 7.69 6.20
  烟(亿支) Cigarettes(100 million pieces) 107.97 600 620 685
钢(万吨) Steel (10000 tons) 1230.10 7386.40 9096.29 10706.44
  铁(万吨) Pig Iron    (10000 tons) 1709.23 6765.61 8250.14 10483.58
铁合金(万吨) Iron Alloy   (10000 tons) 8.78 7.47 11.09 13.07
成品钢材(万吨) Rolled Steel (10000 tons) 1306.62 6465.10 8467.10 10474.91
铝(万吨) Aluminum (10000 tons) 4.15 7.22 3.33
发电量(亿千瓦小时) Electricity(100 million kwh) 844.42 1338.63 1461.00 1588.77
  #水  电(亿千瓦小时) Hydropower(100 million kwh) 4.70 5.61 15.74 5.38
  煤(万吨) Coal(10000 tons) 5781.21 7956.40 7927.71 8389.88
  油(万吨) Crude Oil(10000 tons) 518.26 562.45 610.81 660.01
天然气(亿立方米) Natural Gas(100 million cu.m) 5.14 6.90 6.55 7.14
铁矿石(原矿量)(万吨) Ironstone in Original Iron Ores(10000 tons) 5889.44 15227.10 24951.89 30953.96
焦炭(折标)(万吨) Coke(10000 tons) 792.47 2485.34 3209.12 3938.86
硫酸(折100%)(万吨) Sulphuric Acid(10000 tons) 96.83 97.49 96.89 92.19
烧碱(氢氧化钠)(万吨) Ashcaustic Soda(10000 tons) 32.48 56.56 73.03 78.50
纯碱(无水碳酸钠)(万吨) Soda Ash(10000 tons) 99.84 177.37 187.64 205.01
合成氨(万吨) Synthetic Ammonia(10000 tons) 252.27 339.52 357.44 372.80
农用化肥(折纯量)(万吨) Chemical Fertilizer(10000 tons) 195.23 208.87 210.54 216.96
化学农药(原药)(吨) Chemical Pesticide(ton) 55733.00 35063.10 33484.63 35594.81
  苯(吨) Benzene(ton) 38962 64259 73222 112164.75
电石(碳化钙)(万吨) Calcium Carbide(10000 tons) 10.52 5.85 6.64 5.95
塑料树脂及共聚物(万吨) Primary Plastic(10000 tons) 31.25 62.96 64.52 69.21
  漆(万吨) Paint(10000 tons) 6.06 10.41 11.11 10.65
合成橡胶(吨) Synthetic Rubber(ton) 8489.00 8518.00 21903.30 12462.34
轮胎外胎(万条) Tires(10000 units) 121.37 112.48 70.51 78.98
合成洗涤剂(万吨) Synthetic Detergents(10000 tons) 1.83 12.89 12.05 13.10
化学药品(原药)(万吨) Chemical Medicines(10000 tons) 10.17 39.20 54.96 56.39
中成药(吨) Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine(ton) 20077.00 33333.71 35698.71 41492.77
工业锅炉(蒸发量吨) Industrial Boilers(evaporation ton) 4418.00 11546.00 8503.60 6930.36
内燃机生产量(万千瓦) Intermal Combustion Enginers(10000 kw) 51.05 484.42 446.39 651.33
变压器(万千伏安) Transformers(10000 KVA pm) 2394.54 5971.52 7333.55 9088.11
泵(万台) Pumps(10000 units) 14.40 18.33 21.69 20.43
金属切削机床(台) Metal-cutting Machine(unit) 555 1717 3279 2482
  车(辆) Motor Vehicle(unit) 13989 193941 268410 323401
改装汽车(辆) Modified Cars(unit) 31070 46911 49569 49537
摩托车(辆) Motorcycle(unit) 273231 377251 462291 557976
  泥(万吨) Cement(10000 tons) 4694.59 8850.04 8492.68 9358.41
平板玻璃(万重量箱) Plate Glass(1000 weight cases) 2083.30 4964.25 5808.40 7442.39
卫生陶瓷(万件) Ceramic Sanitary Ware(10000 pieces) 105715.00 1492.34 1852.65 1979.39
砖(亿块) Brick(100 million ) 115.26 104.99 150.90 163.20
瓦(亿片) Tile(100 million ) 1.24 1.21 0.78 0.34
a) Since 1998, the coverage of industrial products statistics is all state-owned industrial enterprises and 
   non-state enterprises each with main  business revenue over five million yuan. b) Unit of alcoholic 
   beverages was 10000 kiloliter before 2004, unit of cigarettes was 10000 boxes  before 2003.
b) Unit of ceramic sanitary in 2000 was ton.