主要工业产品产量 |
Output of
Major Industrial Products |
产品名称 |
Item |
2000 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
化学纤维(万吨) |
Chemical Fiber
(10000 tons) |
10.26 |
22.67 |
25.30 |
26.32 |
#合成纤维(万吨) |
Fiber (10000 tons) |
6.15 |
8.94 |
8.88 |
7.60 |
纱(万吨) |
Yarn (10000 tons) |
43.70 |
68.59 |
86.38 |
92.96 |
布(亿米) |
Cloth(100 million m) |
15.60 |
23.37 |
28.23 |
26.22 |
呢 绒(万米) |
Woolen Piece Goods(10000 m) |
662.86 |
133.30 |
177.20 |
340.26 |
毛 线(吨) |
Knitting Wool(ton) |
105574.00 |
95151.30 |
96235.40 |
110293.66 |
丝织品(万米) |
Silk Knitwear(10000 m) |
3478.20 |
1866.00 |
1746.00 |
1408 |
机制纸及纸板(万吨) |
Paper and Paperboard (10000 tons) |
216.34 |
315.82 |
370.46 |
425.06 |
皮 鞋(万双) |
Shoes(10000 pairs) |
309.59 |
107.35 |
163.06 |
218.34 |
胶 鞋(万双) |
Rubber Shoes(10000 pairs) |
4814.50 |
2104.58 |
2129.39 |
2178.73 |
日用陶瓷(亿件) |
Ceramics for Daily Use(100 million units) |
6.01 |
6.31 |
5.53 |
3.95 |
塑料制品(万吨) |
Plastic Articles (10000 tons) |
42.33 |
140.75 |
137.86 |
137.37 |
缝纫机(万架) |
Sewing Machine(10000 sets) |
23.76 |
27.17 |
25.73 |
28.24 |
灯 泡(万只) |
Light Bulbs(10000 uints) |
8397.36 |
25462.24 |
6131.30 |
5934 |
原电池及原电池组 |
Primary Cells and Batteries |
2.93 |
4.36 |
2.08 |
1.03 |
(折R20标准只)(亿只) |
(100 million units) |
原 盐(万吨) |
Salt (10000 tons) |
432.62 |
419.07 |
412.56 |
395.26 |
食用植物油(万吨) |
Edible Vegetable Oil (10000 tons) |
29.88 |
78.87 |
88.71 |
114.28 |
糖(万吨) |
Sugar (10000 tons) |
1.28 |
3.87 |
6.41 |
7.01 |
饮料酒(混合量)(万千升) |
Alcoholic Beverages (10000 kiloliter) |
160.39 |
163.68 |
163.53 |
175.85 |
#白 酒 |
Liquor |
26.40 |
10.17 |
13.16 |
17.52 |
啤 酒 |
Beer |
130.60 |
142.96 |
138.38 |
148.08 |
罐 头(万吨) |
Canned Food (10000 tons) |
16.40 |
29.46 |
7.69 |
6.20 |
卷 烟(亿支) |
Cigarettes(100 million pieces) |
107.97 |
600 |
620 |
685 |
钢(万吨) |
Steel (10000 tons) |
1230.10 |
7386.40 |
9096.29 |
10706.44 |
生 铁(万吨) |
Pig Iron
(10000 tons) |
1709.23 |
6765.61 |
8250.14 |
10483.58 |
铁合金(万吨) |
Iron Alloy
(10000 tons) |
8.78 |
7.47 |
11.09 |
13.07 |
成品钢材(万吨) |
Rolled Steel (10000 tons) |
1306.62 |
6465.10 |
8467.10 |
10474.91 |
铝(万吨) |
Aluminum (10000 tons) |
4.15 |
7.22 |
3.33 |
发电量(亿千瓦小时) |
Electricity(100 million kwh) |
844.42 |
1338.63 |
1461.00 |
1588.77 |
#水 电(亿千瓦小时) |
Hydropower(100 million kwh) |
4.70 |
5.61 |
15.74 |
5.38 |
原 煤(万吨) |
Coal(10000 tons) |
5781.21 |
7956.40 |
7927.71 |
8389.88 |
原 油(万吨) |
Crude Oil(10000 tons) |
518.26 |
562.45 |
610.81 |
660.01 |
天然气(亿立方米) |
Natural Gas(100 million cu.m) |
5.14 |
6.90 |
6.55 |
7.14 |
铁矿石(原矿量)(万吨) |
Ironstone in Original Iron Ores(10000 tons) |
5889.44 |
15227.10 |
24951.89 |
30953.96 |
焦炭(折标)(万吨) |
Coke(10000 tons) |
792.47 |
2485.34 |
3209.12 |
3938.86 |
硫酸(折100%)(万吨) |
Sulphuric Acid(10000 tons) |
96.83 |
97.49 |
96.89 |
92.19 |
烧碱(氢氧化钠)(万吨) |
Ashcaustic Soda(10000 tons) |
32.48 |
56.56 |
73.03 |
78.50 |
纯碱(无水碳酸钠)(万吨) |
Soda Ash(10000 tons) |
99.84 |
177.37 |
187.64 |
205.01 |
合成氨(万吨) |
Synthetic Ammonia(10000 tons) |
252.27 |
339.52 |
357.44 |
372.80 |
农用化肥(折纯量)(万吨) |
Chemical Fertilizer(10000 tons) |
195.23 |
208.87 |
210.54 |
216.96 |
化学农药(原药)(吨) |
Chemical Pesticide(ton) |
55733.00 |
35063.10 |
33484.63 |
35594.81 |
纯 苯(吨) |
Benzene(ton) |
38962 |
64259 |
73222 |
112164.75 |
电石(碳化钙)(万吨) |
Calcium Carbide(10000 tons) |
10.52 |
5.85 |
6.64 |
5.95 |
塑料树脂及共聚物(万吨) |
Primary Plastic(10000 tons) |
31.25 |
62.96 |
64.52 |
69.21 |
油 漆(万吨) |
Paint(10000 tons) |
6.06 |
10.41 |
11.11 |
10.65 |
合成橡胶(吨) |
Synthetic Rubber(ton) |
8489.00 |
8518.00 |
21903.30 |
12462.34 |
轮胎外胎(万条) |
Tires(10000 units) |
121.37 |
112.48 |
70.51 |
78.98 |
合成洗涤剂(万吨) |
Synthetic Detergents(10000 tons) |
1.83 |
12.89 |
12.05 |
13.10 |
化学药品(原药)(万吨) |
Chemical Medicines(10000 tons) |
10.17 |
39.20 |
54.96 |
56.39 |
中成药(吨) |
Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine(ton) |
20077.00 |
33333.71 |
35698.71 |
41492.77 |
工业锅炉(蒸发量吨) |
Industrial Boilers(evaporation ton) |
4418.00 |
11546.00 |
8503.60 |
6930.36 |
内燃机生产量(万千瓦) |
Intermal Combustion Enginers(10000 kw) |
51.05 |
484.42 |
446.39 |
651.33 |
变压器(万千伏安) |
Transformers(10000 KVA pm) |
2394.54 |
5971.52 |
7333.55 |
9088.11 |
泵(万台) |
Pumps(10000 units) |
14.40 |
18.33 |
21.69 |
20.43 |
金属切削机床(台) |
Metal-cutting Machine(unit) |
555 |
1717 |
3279 |
2482 |
汽 车(辆) |
Motor Vehicle(unit) |
13989 |
193941 |
268410 |
323401 |
改装汽车(辆) |
Modified Cars(unit) |
31070 |
46911 |
49569 |
49537 |
摩托车(辆) |
Motorcycle(unit) |
273231 |
377251 |
462291 |
557976 |
水 泥(万吨) |
Cement(10000 tons) |
4694.59 |
8850.04 |
8492.68 |
9358.41 |
平板玻璃(万重量箱) |
Plate Glass(1000 weight cases) |
2083.30 |
4964.25 |
5808.40 |
7442.39 |
卫生陶瓷(万件) |
Ceramic Sanitary Ware(10000 pieces) |
105715.00 |
1492.34 |
1852.65 |
1979.39 |
砖(亿块) |
Brick(100 million ) |
115.26 |
104.99 |
150.90 |
163.20 |
瓦(亿片) |
Tile(100 million ) |
1.24 |
1.21 |
0.78 |
0.34 |
注:1.1998年开始工业产品产量统计范围为全部国有及年产品销售收入500万元以上的非国有工业企业。2.饮料酒2004年以前为万吨, |
卷烟2003年及以前为万箱。 |
2.卫生陶瓷2000年计量单位为吨。 |
Since 1998, the coverage of industrial products statistics is all state-owned
industrial enterprises and |
non-state enterprises each with
main business revenue over five
million yuan. b) Unit of alcoholic |
beverages was 10000 kiloliter
before 2004, unit of cigarettes was 10000 boxes before 2003. |
b) Unit of
ceramic sanitary in 2000 was ton. |