农村基层组织和农业基本情况 |
Conditions of Rural Grassroots Units and Agriculture |
指 标 |
2000 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
Item |
乡镇数(个) |
Number of Township and Town Governments(unit) |
1973 |
1962 |
1962 |
1961 |
#镇个数 |
Number of Town Governments |
900 |
944 |
946 |
962 |
村民委员会 |
Number of Villagers' Committees(unit) |
49951 |
49678 |
49118 |
49110 |
乡村总户数(万户) |
Number of Rural Households (10000 units) |
1422.6 |
1448.55 |
1445.60 |
1461.93 |
乡村人口数(万人) |
Population of Rural(10000 persons) |
5382.4 |
5422.28 |
5412.04 |
5456.94 |
乡村从业人员(万人) |
Number of Rural Laborers(10000 persons) |
2707.1 |
2805.94 |
2817.80 |
2846.53 |
#男 |
Male |
1447.7 |
1504.12 |
1513.34 |
1526.75 |
按行业分乡村从业人员 |
Number of
Rural Laborers by Sector |
农、林、牧、渔业 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry & Fishery |
1665.4 |
1552.75 |
1513.04 |
1479.04 |
工 业 |
Industry |
388.4 |
518.86 |
545.32 |
576.85 |
建筑业 |
Construction |
202.5 |
275.22 |
285.43 |
301.50 |
交通运输、仓储和邮电通信业 |
Transport, Storage, Postal and |
92.1 |
114.71 |
117.63 |
121.22 |
Telecommunication Services |
批发和零售业、住宿和餐饮业 |
Wholesale, Retail Trades and Catering Services |
135.3 |
202.87 |
211.41 |
218.70 |
金融业 |
Banking and Insurance |
5.5 |
5.60 |
5.10 |
5.14 |
其他非农行业 |
Other Non-agricultural Industries |
217.9 |
135.93 |
139.87 |
144.08 |
国有农林牧渔场从业人员(万人) |
Number of Rural Laborers for State Farms(10000 persons) |
8.5 |
8.4 |
7.5 |
7.3 |
年末常用耕地面积(千公顷) |
Common Areas of Cultivated Land at the Year-end |
6466.00 |
5988.93 |
5882.52 |
5893.61 |
农用化肥施用量(折纯量)(万吨) |
Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers(10000 tons) |
270.62 |
303.39 |
304.89 |
311.87 |
农村用电量(亿千瓦小时) |
Electricity Consumed in Rural Areas |
180.45 |
337.05 |
388.20 |
430.14 |
农业机械总动力(万千瓦) |
Total Agricultural Machinery Power(10000 kw) |
7000.39 |
8487.21 |
8795.80 |
9134.53 |
主要农作物播种面积(千公顷) |
Total Sown Area(1000 hectares) |
# 粮 食 |
Grain Crops |
6918.70 |
6240.20 |
6271.71 |
6168.23 |
棉 花 |
Cotton |
307.40 |
573.50 |
664.07 |
680.00 |
油 料 |
Oil-bearing Crops |
686.40 |
559.00 |
485.91 |
498.30 |
主要农作物产量(万吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops(10000 tons) |
# 粮 食 |
Grain Crops |
2551.1 |
2598.58 |
2780.60 |
2841.60 |
棉 花 |
Cotton |
30.01 |
57.72 |
70.02 |
72.47 |
油 料 |
Oil-bearing Crops |
146.97 |
152.73 |
133.78 |
138.09 |
农业产业化经营率(%) |
Rate of Industrialization of Agriculture (%) |
36.1 |
49.4 |
51.8 |
53.6 |
农村基础设施(个) |
Social Basic Facilities in Rural Areas(unit) |
自来水受益村 |
Villages with Access to Tap Water |
37613 |
40404 |
40257 |
40531 |
通汽车村 |
Villages with Motor Vehicle Communication |
46610 |
48846 |
48460 |
48672 |
通电话村 |
Villages with Telephone Communication |
47822 |
49321 |
48955 |
48993 |
注:有关2006年主要农产品产量及与其有关价值量指标,根据河北省第二次全国农业普查结果作了修订。 |
The value and quantity of the major agricultural products for 2006 has been
revised according to the data of the |
Second National
Agricultural Census of China. |