Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end by Level of Income (2007)
    Item 总平均                  
    低收入户       高收入户    
  收入户 #困难户   偏下户 收入户 偏上户   收入户 #更 
Average Lowest Income Poor Households Low Income Lower Middle Middle Income Upper Middle High Income Highest Income 收入户
  Households (first five Households Income Households Income Households Households Higher Income
  (first decile) Percent) (second decile) Households (third quintile) Households (ninth decile) (tenth decile) Household
        (second quintile)   (fourth quintile)      
  摩托车(辆)  Motorcycle (unit) 36.55 29.59 21.78 49.02 47.41 42.98 31.58 24.57 20.50 16.65
  助力车(辆)  Hand Car (unit) 21.80 9.90 9.12 18.31 20.15 27.88 23.01 27.56 19.40 16.67
  家用汽车(辆)  Automobile (unit) 5.93 2.11 2.18 1.94 4.07 4.24 5.95 10.08 15.17 20.12
  洗衣机(台)  Washing Machine (unit) 98.73 88.63 87.70 96.76 100.37 99.35 99.41 101.31 101.52 105.51
  电冰箱(台)  Refrigerator (unit) 101.19 83.26 76.28 90.02 97.12 103.70 103.85 111.02 115.25 115.84
  彩色电视机(台)  Color TV Set (set) 126.32 107.97 103.51 118.16 118.83 128.36 133.03 138.20 135.76 139.47
  家用电脑(台)  Computer (set) 49.68 28.94 17.10 31.81 49.38 54.46 56.03 52.56 61.76 65.58
  组合音响(套)  Hi-Fi Stereo Component System (set) 27.36 15.44 13.74 24.17 29.57 28.20 29.88 28.00 30.02 29.79
  摄像机(架)  Pickup Camera (set) 4.93 1.66 1.82 1.15 3.08 4.16 7.57 8.03 8.26 6.64
  照相机(架)  Camera (set) 45.32 14.01 8.89 20.59 33.30 49.59 54.55 63.42 74.54 70.39
  钢琴(架)  Piano (set) 1.14 0.74 0.50 1.10 0.97 1.11 0.67 4.35 5.74
  其他中高档乐器(件)  Medium and High-Grade  4.91 1.81 1.27 2.73 4.68 4.98 4.92 5.98 8.79 4.56
        Musical Instrument (unit)  
  微波炉(台)  Microwave Oven (unit) 46.78 17.94 11.76 30.78 39.64 44.59 56.40 58.31 74.58 76.01
  空调器(台)  Air Conditioner (unit) 87.64 39.24 29.74 52.44 77.31 90.83 100.48 112.77 126.98 134.50
  淋浴热水器(台)  Shower (unit) 74.44 44.91 44.25 56.57 71.39 77.35 85.33 82.96 88.80 86.08
  消毒碗柜(台)  Antiseptic Cupboard (unit) 2.88 0.99 1.98 2.20 2.44 3.81 4.66 3.98 1.46
  洗碗机(台)  Dish Washing Machine (unit) 0.35 0.41 0.62 0.77 0.37
  健身器材(套)  Health Equipment (unit) 4.36 1.14 2.17 1.61 2.05 4.18 7.18 3.44 9.92 9.17
  普通电话(部)  Telephone (unit) 88.03 77.33 79.14 84.50 84.32 89.98 91.11 95.02 91.23 91.77
  移动电话(部)  Mobile Telephone (unit) 154.31 107.07 88.60 127.10 153.67 162.82 167.72 162.16 174.21 177.74