Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices of Commodities (2007)
                          居民消费价格指数 商品零售价格指数 农业生产资料
       Consumer Price Index Retail Price Index 价 格 指 数
                    Price Indices of
Item Provincial Urban Rural Provincial Urban Rural Agricultural Means
  Indices Indices Indices Indices Indices Indices of Production Index
      1950=100   544.2   423.4 444.3 411.9 372.5
      1952=100   478.5   366.3 392.3 357.1 328.3
      1957=100   446.2   343.1 362.3 338.7 320.1
      1965=100   502.7   362.4 416.5 334.5 359.2
      1970=100   501.7   365.6 414.0 340.2 379.3
      1978=100   495.0   371.3 408.2 351.6 429.3
      1980=100   453.6   348.3 373.6 335.4 426.3
      1985=100 347.1 380.4 324.4 300.1 313.7 294.2 364.1
      1990=100 216.0 239.1 199.3 188.6 199.2 182.8 223.0
      1995=100 122.6 123.4 122.4 112.3 109.9 114.4 137.4
      2000=100 114.9 113.0 116.9 109.3 106.8 112.0 124.3
      2005=100 106.5 106.1 106.9 105.6 105.1 106.2 108.6
      2006=100 104.7 104.3 105.1 104.1 103.5 104.6 106.9