城镇建设项目新增主要产品生产能力(2007年) |
Increased Production Capacity through Capital Construction Projects in Urban
Area(2007) |
能力(效益)名称 |
Item |
2007 |
原煤开采(万吨/年) |
Coal Mining
(10000 tons/year) |
251 |
洗煤(万吨/年) |
Coal Washing
(10000 tons/year) |
292 |
焦炭(万吨/年) |
Hard Coke
(10000 tons/year) |
406.2 |
天然原油(万吨/年) |
Crude Oil
(10000 tons/year) |
123 |
石油加工: 蒸馏设备(处理万吨/年) |
Petroleum Processing: Distillation Equipment (10000 tons/year) |
150 |
焦化设备能力(处理万吨/年) |
Coker (10000 tons/year) |
90 |
加氢精制设备能力(处理万吨/年) |
Platreating Equipment
(10000 tons/year) |
203 |
铁矿石原矿开采(万吨/年) |
Crude Iron Ore Mining (10000 tons/year) |
758.7 |
铁矿选矿处理量(万吨/年) |
Iron Ore Processing
(10000 tons/year) |
699.5 |
铁矿石成品矿(万吨/年) |
Refined Iron Ore
(10000 tons/year) |
670.4 |
生铁(万吨/年) |
Pig Iron
(10000 tons/year) |
423.6 |
粗钢(万吨/年) |
Crude Steel
(10000 tons/year) |
295 |
#转炉钢(万吨/年) |
Converter Steel (10000
tons/year) |
130 |
连铸坯(万吨/年) |
Continuous Casting Steel (10000 tons/year) |
400 |
钢材(万吨/年) |
Steel Product
(10000 tons/year) |
1868.74 |
按加工工艺分 |
Grouped by
Processing Technology |
热轧钢材(万吨/年) |
Hot-rolled Steel Products
(10000 tons/year) |
1459.23 |
冷轧(拔)钢材 (万吨/年) |
Cold-rolled Steel Product
(10000 tons/year) |
229.5 |
镀层、涂层钢材(万吨/年) |
Cool Rolling Steel Products
(10000 tons/year) |
115.5 |
锻压、挤压、旋压钢材(万吨/年) |
Coated Steel Product
(10000 tons/year) |
4 |
其他加工工艺钢材(万吨/年) |
Others (10000 tons/year) |
60.51 |
按品种分 |
Grouped by
Products |
中小型型钢(万吨/年) |
Small-and-medium-sized Section Steel (10000 tons/year) |
499.5 |
棒材(万吨/年) |
Cold-rolled Thin and Wide Steel Belt (10000 tons/year) |
57.02 |
线材(盘条)(万吨/年) |
Coated Steel Sheet (Belt)
(10000 tons/year) |
239.5 |
厚钢板(万吨/年) |
Welded Steel Tube (10000
tons/year) |
1.65 |
中板(万吨/年) |
Other Steel Products
(10000 tons/year) |
112 |
热轧薄板(万吨/年) |
Hot-rolled Thin Steel Sheet (10000 tons/year) |
0.06 |
冷轧薄板(万吨/年) |
Cold-rolled Thin Steel Sheet (10000 tons/year) |
199.5 |
中厚宽钢带(万吨/年) |
Medium-sized Wide Flat Steel (10000 tons/year) |
295 |
热轧薄宽钢带(万吨/年) |
Hot-rolled Thin Wide Flat
Steel (10000 tons/year) |
220 |
冷轧薄宽钢带(万吨/年) |
Cold-rolled Thin Wide Flat Steel (10000 tons/year) |
1.5 |
热轧窄钢带(万吨/年) |
Hot-rolled Ribbon Steel (10000 tons/year) |
30 |
冷轧窄钢带(万吨/年) |
Cold-rolled Ribbon Steel (10000 tons/year) |
6.5 |
镀层板(带)(万吨/年) |
Clad Steel Sheet (Belt) (10000 tons/year) |
59.5 |
涂层板(带)(万吨/年) |
Coated Steel Sheet(Belt) (10000 tons/year) |
56 |
无缝钢管(万吨/年) |
Seamless Steel Pipe (10000 tons/year) |
27.51 |
焊接钢管(万吨/年) |
Welded Steel Pipe (10000 tons/year) |
20.5 |
其他钢材(万吨/年) |
Others (10000 tons/year) |
43 |
铜采矿(原矿)(万吨/年) |
Copper Mining(Raw Ore) (10000 tons/year) |
10 |
铜选矿:处理原矿(万吨/年) |
Copper Ore Dressing: Raw Ore Processing (10000 tons/year) |
10 |
铜含量(吨/年) |
Content of Copper in the Processed Ore (ton/year) |
2 |
铜冶炼(吨/年) |
Copper Smelting (ton/year) |
4000.8 |
铅锌采矿(原矿)(万吨/年) |
Lead-zinc Ore Mining (Raw Ore) (10000 tons/year) |
31 |
铅锌选矿:处理原矿(万吨/年) |
Lead-zinc Ore Dressing Raw Ore Processing (10000 tons/year) |
37 |
锌含量(吨/年) |
Content of Copper in the Processed Ore (ton/year) |
1800 |
铝加工(吨/年) |
Aluminum Processing (ton/year) |
0.5 |
黄金(公斤/年) |
Gold (kg/year) |
500 |
银选矿:处理原矿(吨/年) |
Silver Ore Dressing Raw Ore Processing (ton/year) |
2 |
硫铁矿开采(万吨/年) |
Pyrite Mining (10000 tons/year) |
5 |
发电机组容量(万千瓦) |
Capacity of Generator Sets(10000 kw ) |
636 |
水力发电(万千瓦) |
Hydraulic Power(10000 kw ) |
0.47 |
火力发电(万千瓦) |
Thermal Power(10000 kw ) |
591 |
其他发电(万千瓦) |
Other Power Generation(10000 kw ) |
44.53 |
输电线路长度(11万伏及以上)(公里) |
Length of Transmission Line ( 110 Kilovolt and Above)
(km) |
7615.8 |
水 泥(万吨/年) |
Cement (10000 tons/year) |
847.2 |
平板玻璃(万重量箱/年) |
Plate Glass (10000 weight cases/year) |
325 |
石墨及炭素制品(吨/年) |
Graphite and Carbon Product (ton/year) |
50120 |
硫 酸(吨/年) |
Vitriol Oil (ton/year) |
13000 |
烧碱(吨/年) |
Caustic Soda (ton/year) |
70000 |
纯碱(吨/年) |
Soda Ash (ton/year) |
30000 |
合成氨(吨/年) |
Synthetic Ammonia (ton/year) |
304000 |
农用氮、磷、钾化学肥料(吨/年) |
Nitrogen Fertilizers, Phosphate Fertilizers and Potassic
Fertilizers (ton/year) |
408535 |
氮肥(吨/年) |
Fertilizers (ton/year) |
375035 |
磷肥(吨/年) |
Fertilizers (ton/year) |
33500 |
化学农药(吨/年) |
Agricultural Chemicals (ton/year) |
2000 |
精甲醇(吨/年) |
Refined Carbinol (ton/year) |
50020 |
塑料树脂及共聚物(吨/年) |
Plastic Resin and Polymer (ton/year) |
21000 |
合成橡胶(吨/年) |
Synthetic Rubber (ton/year) |
1500 |
轮胎外胎(万条/年) |
Cover Tyre (10000 units/year) |
124 |
轮胎内胎 (万条/年) |
Tyre Tube (10000 units/year) |
654 |
化学原料药(吨/年) |
Chemical Material Medicine (ton/year) |
2680 |
中成药(吨/年) |
Chinese Patent Medicines (ton/year) |
10860 |
内燃机制造(台/年) |
Manufacture of Internal-Combustion Engine (Unit/year) |
500 |
(万千瓦/年) |
(10000 kw/year ) |
11 |
汽车制造(辆/年) |
Motor Manufacturing (Unit/year) |
106380 |
轿车制造(辆/年) |
Sedan Car (Unit/year) |
100000 |
其它汽车制造(辆/年) |
Other Motor Manufacturing (Unit/year) |
6380 |
摩托车制造(辆/年) |
Motorcycle Manufacturing (Unit/year) |
140000 |
化学纤维(吨/年) |
Chemical Fiber (ton/year) |
174800 |
# 合成纤维(吨/年) |
Synthetic Fiber (ton/year) |
7000 |
粘胶纤维(吨/年) |
Viscose Fiber (ton/year) |
6000 |
棉纺锭(锭) |
Cotton Textile Spindle (unit) |
894116 |
毛纺锭(锭) |
Wool Textile Spindle (unit) |
11800 |
酒(万吨/年) |
Alcoholic Drink (10000 tons/year) |
36.76 |
酒(万吨/年) |
Beer (10000
tons/year) |
6 |
酒(万吨/年) |
(10000 tons/year) |
29.26 |
其他酒(万吨/年) |
Alcohol (10000 tons/year) |
1.5 |
机制纸浆(万吨/年) |
Mechanical Pulp(10000 tons/year) |
17 |
机制纸(万吨/年) |
Machine-Made Paper(10001 tons/year) |
48.76 |
机制纸板(万吨/年) |
Machine-Made Paperboard(10002 tons/year) |
13 |
移动通信基站设备(个/年) |
Equipment of Mobile Communication Base Station
(unit/year) |
3260 |
程控交换机(万线/年) |
Stored Program Controlled Electronic Switching System (10000 tons/year) |
1066.9 |
新建铁路主线正线交付运营里程(公里) |
Length of Newly-built and Operating Main-line Railway
(km) |
158 |
增建铁路第二线交付运营里程(公里) |
Length of Newly-built and Operating Second-line Railway
(km) |
157 |
电气化铁路主线正线交付运营里程(公里) |
Length of Electrified Railway in Operation(km) |
227 |
新建公路(公里) |
Newly- Built Highway(km) |
2705.33 |
# 高速公路 |
Expressway |
695.12 |
一级公路 |
First-class Highway |
292.3 |
二级公路 |
Second-class Highway |
864.41 |
改建公路(公里) |
Rebuilt Highway(km) |
3723.25 |
一级公路(公里) |
First-class Highway(km) |
126.43 |
二级公路(公里) |
Second-class Highway(km) |
1328.09 |
新建独立公路桥梁(延长米) |
Newly-built Independent Highway Bridge(m) |
6025 |
(座) |
(Unit) |
62 |
新(扩)建港口码头(年吞吐量:万吨) |
Newly-built or Extended Port and Wharf(10000 tons/year) |
5350 |
(泊位:个) |
(unit) |
5 |
# 新(扩)建沿海港口码头(年吞吐量:万吨) |
Newly-built or Extended Seaport and Wharf(10000
tons/year) |
5350 |
(泊位:个) |
(unit) |
5 |
新(扩)建客、货运站(个) |
Newly-built or Extended Passenger Station and Freight
Station(unit) |
2 |
(平方米) |
(sq.m) |
9980 |
耕地面积(万亩) |
Area of Cultivated land(10000 mu) |
0.95 |
造林面积(万亩) |
Forestation Area(10000 mu) |
117.19 |
水库容量(总库容)(亿立方米) |
Reservoir Capacity100 Million m3 |
0.04 |
有效灌溉面积(万亩) |
Availably-irrigated Area(10000 mu) |
8 |
各类院校:学生席位 (个) |
Universities: Student Seat(unit) |
178159 |
建筑面积 (平方米) |
Floorage(sq.m) |
1119302 |
医院病床(张) |
Number of Hospital Beds(unit) |
12958 |
宾馆、旅馆、招待所客房数(间) |
Gust Rooms of Hotel(unit) |
4796 |
(平方米) |
(sq.m) |
176610 |
城市自来水供水能力(万吨/日) |
Tap Water Supply Capacity(10000 tons/day) |
71.36 |
城市公共交通车辆购置(辆) |
Purchasing of Vehicles for Public Transport(unit) |
322 |
城市道路扩建长度(公里) |
Length of Extend Construction of Urban Road(km) |
376.12 |
城市道路扩建面积(万平方米) |
Area of Extend Construction of Urban Road(10000 sq.m) |
853.38 |
城市排水管道铺设长度(公里) |
Length of Newly-built Drain Pipe in Urban Areas(km) |
226.45 |
城市污水处理能力(万吨/日) |
Sewage Treatment Capacity of Urban Areas(10000 tons/day) |
99.02 |
城市永久性桥梁(座) |
Permanent Bridges in Urban Areas(unit) |
8 |
城市防洪堤长度(公里) |
Length of Floodwall in Urban Areas(km) |
17.42 |